Communities > East Midlands

East Midlands Player of the year Trophy, Week 9


Hi. guys and gals,
Mmmmmmm, AGAIN its very interesting now.
After week 9 Vanio Tiik is still in front with his 22 points.I came 5th last night and scored 16 points after week 9"s game and it is all to play for now with one match to go. Strange that if anybody does the unthinkable and wins the last match they can win the trophy even if they have only played one game so come on lets give it one last push!  

Will update after the last game  ;)  

Week 9
Pos       Name        Apat ID       points
 1      Vanio Tiik    Rhino 56         22
 2      Phil Colls      Spirey1         17
 3  Simon Gordon  Tigerflash       16
 4   Helen Wilcox  -Headcase-     14
 5    Gina Wiess   StarshineI         3
        The rest      .................... 0


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