Awwwwww!! You guys!
Thanks so much for the post Waz, it really has been an absolute pleasure and a privilege to be Captain and I have, and am, thoroughly enjoying it. I have to say, regardless of this season"s result I honestly believe we"ve the ability to get up into the top 3 next season. We"ve been dreadfully unlucky and numbers weren"t massive some weeks but the game is certainly there and every one of the team is more than capable of winning on a Sunday (moreso if your name is Pilgrim

There"s no way that the board, updates, or playing could be as enjoyable without all you guys, so many have showed an incredible amount of commitment playin pretty much every Sunday and railing long after being knocked out so for you all....THANK YOU!
Following in the footsteps of the fabulous Team Luton captain, I will post up a season end round up with a few stats later in the week! For now its home made mince pies and other such festive things!
Your very proud and privileged Captain Jo