Author Topic: PLOlz  (Read 32266 times)

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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2013, 13:25:37 PM »

I want to head in a similar direction, i was out of work from may ish last year until January where i got employed by an online shopping company who host 4 or 5 different websites selling different products. Foot in the door is putting these products on eBay . amazon etc and hope to progress from there. Already learning a bit of Html along with a lot of other things i have never touched on before. Hope it pays off in the long run, good luck :)

Thanks Chris, same to you. I"m being moved at quite a pace by my developer friend. C#, Java,, SQL, HTML - have touched upon all of these.

Completely frying my brain, but some things are sticking.

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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2013, 13:58:13 PM »
There are that have had better days than me.

Mate pops round, do a bit of shopping, grab some lunch, do some work on a project of ours. It was a nice afternoon.

Until I get back at about 5pm. No keys. ****. I always used to keep my car keys and house keys separate, but since my keyring had broken they were all together. Now I"d offered to drive but my mate insisted as his car was already warm. Out of pure habit I leave my car keys behind - with house keys attached. Just as well I live with my brother...

...but he was on the latest of his late shifts, finishing as late as 11:30pm. Right, will have to find something to do - I know, the local casino runs an ok £30+30 at 6pm on a Sunday. My bro can pick me up when he finishes. Perfect, I"ll just get some money out...

...or not, as my debit card decides to stop working. Doubly irritating with Nottingham looming large, but I"m not getting very far with £15. Borrow all the money in my mates wallet, and scrape together the buy in...

...until I find out there"s no game and they"ve replaced it with a Kalooki game. Let"s just say that"s full of people you wouldn"t want to be sat down with in a self dealt game of information - not that I remember the rules off the top of my head. Not a problem, the cash game that kicks off in the evenings is £1/£1 and I can at least grind there, albeit with a short stack...

...nope, the game"s been running since last night and it"s now £1/£3 with an £80 minimum sit down. I"m broke anyway so 1/3 isn"t in my range, but the game is stupidly soft so I would"ve borrowed a buy-in off one of the other players and got to work. Still, there"s 3 names on the 50p/£1 list, that"ll surely start soon...

...2 hours later I borrow £50 to top up to a full buy-in. Given how the day"s been going it"s no surprise when  As 5s bricks on a 6s 3c 2s board. Lose the minimum. Then Jh 9h fires twice on a  Ah Qh Js 9c board, then an 8c river prior to one of the resident donkeys significantly perking up. Goddammit, down to £40.

Then it all swings.

Get a near treble with AQs on a Q high board vs pair+flush draw, and a double with Jc 9c v AK on an Ac Kc 7c. £200, what"s this? Could all the above pain work out ok? Call a raise in position with AQ. 3 way to a flop of KJT! Naturally have to make hero fold after turn J (I get the clock called on me after 30 seconds by some ****er not even in the pot), river A with orig raiser betting all 3 streets. Still on £150. Brother drops me a text, saying he"s finishing early and can pick me up in 15 minutes. Sweet, I"ll just play one more round.

Next hand, same villain above calls my UTG raise with QQ in position with T5, raises my cbet on a 753 board. I pass over the rope for him to hang himself with nearly a quarter of effective stacks already in.

Which I guess he would"ve done had a 5 not turned.

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2013, 23:29:33 PM »
Well, my first bit of APAT staking is pretty much settled. Sold 60% of a 7 tournament schedule and thinking it"s about time things turned for me.

It can"t go any worse, a bit of ranty post.

In my last ~300-400 hands online/live.

AK v AQ on KQx, turn Q
KT v 95 on K73xxd, turn Td, all in, river the third diamond.
A5 v JTdd,  I"ve 3bet pre with a stack size he should only pass or 4bet jam against. Obv he flats OOP and flops Ad5d4d
A8 v A7 on Axxx7
KQ v 85, Villain limp-calls 6x UTG for 1/3 of his stack, flop T8x and he dwell calls and holds.
A9 v 55, Villain limp-calls for 1/3 of her stack, flop T77 and she dwell calls and holds.
A9 v J6hh, Villain cold calls a 3b 10x squeeze OOP for 18% of his stack. Flop Axx two hearts. Villain CRAI and gets there.
QQ v AJ on J423. Villain hangs himself and moves in on turn. River 5.
QQ v T5 on 753, quarter of eff stacks in on flop, turn 5.
AQ v AJ on KJT, turn J, river A.
TT v A9 AIPF, turn A.

This ignores the various flips, combo draws missed, the half hour period of playing 3 hands, hitting top pair or better, and running into 3 sets.

I have of course, run like god when one of the above has left me with sod all chips. Can"t help but win 55 v AK v QQ and KK v AA then!


Never tilted though, obv saving it up for a big one! Stakees (is that the right word? It"s late) need not worry. We all know poker is always putting yourself in profitable situations and the long run will take care of itself.

It"s obviously a bloody long run.

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2013, 01:24:05 AM »
Nothing like a good moan or rant to get it off your chest, see my blog plenty of moans in there, eventually get there, may not be life changing sums but pays for the extras.

Good luck over the next few days, don"t worry about the stake side of it we all know variance can be a bitch at times, just give it your best shot, that"s all you can do.


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2013, 21:00:04 PM »
Come on Dave, please keep this going.
Hows the Diet?
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2013, 21:17:12 PM »

Come on Dave, please keep this going.
Hows the Diet?

Mate, my blogs never keep going!

But I"ll do something about this one :D

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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2013, 21:42:21 PM »
Ok Dwayne, you asked for it!

Back at the start of the year I had some Resolutions...

- Play more than 2 Nationals, and win one

ONGOING: Played the Main Events at both Nottingham for the S6 WCOAP, the APAT Masters and S7 Coventry. Blew up in Notts, made day 2 at Wembley and had the second-best hand in Coventry a hell of a lot. Missed opportunity at Wembley for sure, but never been anywhere near a position to make a FT, let alone win one.

Win a medal at the WCOAP

EPIC FAIL: Made final two tables in both the Stud and the Razz without threatening a deep run. Ran horribly, played pretty average in some events, and had to share a house with the rest of the newly formed Team Gotham, watching them win bracelets and cash multiple times.

Play 2 GPS Main Events

FAIL: I was hoping to play Southend next month, but my financial situation is such that this won"t happen. APAT is all I can muster at the moment.

Get back to Vegas for the WSOP

FAIL: Same as above with the financial situation. Next year hopefully with some of Team Gotham.

Actually make a FT in a large field Stars MTT, rank top 5% on Stars on OPR, and crack top 5,000 on the P5s ranking (basically volume dependent, sigh).

SUCCESS: Made 2/570 in a $5.50 Omania MTT on Stars. Tenuous claiming this as a large field, but I"ll take it!
SUCCESS: As of today I"m ranked in the top 4.53% of Stars players on OPR!
ONGOING: Still ranked in the 14000s on P5s. Not put a dent in that yet.

Get a 4 figure cash online

ONGOING: The above Omania score was just under $800. Stars has been horrible for me and good scores. Had a couple of $500+ scores recently too, and given I"m beginning to enjoy playing online a bit more (part born out of necessity) I"d be disappointed if I didn"t bink 4 figures somewhere this year.

Not take any money out of my online bankroll unless I win an absolute shedload.

FAIL: Yeah, aforementioned dodgy personal situation responsible for this. I"ve had a good 3 months which has been absolutely critical for me.

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2013, 02:11:16 AM »
The p5"s ranking def something I want to persue over the next 6 months, volume, motivation, job and seeing the missus get in the way :/ (hope the missus doesn"t read this :))

Also the four figure score eludes me, been close a lot but run really really bad when down to two tables :(

Side bet maybe on either of these if ur ever up for it? Added motivation to play is always good.

Never saw that comment before John ... Needless to say you we"re right :(

I still have a job really ;)


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2013, 16:55:55 PM »

The p5"s ranking def something I want to persue over the next 6 months, volume, motivation, job and seeing the missus get in the way :/ (hope the missus doesn"t read this :))

Also the four figure score eludes me, been close a lot but run really really bad when down to two tables :(

Side bet maybe on either of these if ur ever up for it? Added motivation to play is always good.

Never saw that comment before John ... Needless to say you we"re right :(

I still have a job really ;)

Intriguing proposition! What do you suggest?

I"m happy with it being some friendly rivalry, or perhaps a small prop - I"m not confident of having the time and/or inclination to put the required volume in! Especially as I"m now focusing on Omaha variants so there aren"t a great deal of tournaments that meet P5s criteria.

I cracked the top 14k yesterday though. 13,867th to be precise.

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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2013, 17:53:06 PM »
Im outside the top 14000 at the mo, i really need to play more :\

I"ll have a think, i"m not confident either as i need to spend time in a gym in an evening and i work 9 5 all week but def up for some sort of prop :)


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2013, 18:03:30 PM »
I"m 13110. Career high was 6k
Team Gotham - The Joker

Serial APAT Underachiever


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2013, 20:50:28 PM »
4 figure?
I predict that you will skip this one and go straight to a 5 figure cash.
And the diet?
A prop bet on that one sir? I desperately need motivation.
Just checked P5s and my ranking is currently 9086 previous high 1129, oh how good am I running.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2013, 00:16:14 AM »
Any updates pending?
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2013, 06:18:21 AM »
TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)


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Re: Confessions of a LAG
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2013, 01:31:24 AM »
Well played in the APAT onlines tonight Dave, a couple of nice results mate  8)
APAT Scottish Amateur Champion 2011 :~)
APAT Online North America PLO Champion 2011
Chipaccrual's Big APAT Christmas End Of Year Quiz Champion 2011
2012 Scottish Captain @ ECOAP
APAT Online Irish PLO Champion 2013
APAT Online Scottish Champion 2017