This sounds like alot of fun, I"ll try and drum up some interest from the HitSquad masses.
Couple of questions as I"m a little simple......
1, Once the 6 players are picked are these then fixed for the duration of the competion? ie. no substituations between rounds etc. I ask as I know that I personally can"t play the 1st two as I"m away snowboarding but would love to get invloved later on.
2, Would we be OK to submit multiple teams if we have enough interest? ie. HitSquad North and HitSuad South for example?
1 Teams of 6 with top 4 players scoring for the team means if a player has to miss a week the rest of the team shouldn"t be at much of a disadvantage (In fact, you could just enter a team of 4 if you feel confident enough)
2 The more teams the merrier, so open to everyone, Hitsquad North, Hitsquad South, Hitsquad East, Hitsquad West, Hisquad In Space, Hitsquad Big Hitters, Hitsquad Heros. You get the idea