Author Topic: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.  (Read 3033 times)

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Matt D

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APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« on: January 25, 2013, 14:04:50 PM »
Vauxhall Recreation Centre, 20 Gipsy Lane, Luton, LU1 3LH

Showing location of Recreation Centre and G Casino (they are 1 mile apart):

Start time
Balls in the air at 10.05am, so arrive from 9.45am onwards please. If you want to play in special kit then either arrived changed, or change there (but leave enough time). Or you can probably play in jeans if you want :)

see: "What you need to know to play a fun game of ping pong":
A couple of extra points about serving: It can be difficult for beginners to serve properly in pingpong. So for this event as long as the ball bounces once on your side, then once on the other side then it"s a valid serve (unless it hits the net in between, in which case it"s a let). You do not need to serve to a certain side of the table (left or right will do).

Someone who isn"t in the current game can do the scoring for each pair. Hopefully we"ll have at least one person who can help if there"s confusion in each group. If you really don"t have a clue about the game, let another pair play before you and watch that.

Game Format
Group stages
4 groups of 4 = 16 players.
Everyone plays 2 sets versus each other (1 point per set won).
6 matches per group * 2 sets per match = 12 sets per group.
48 sets in total over group stage (4 groups of 12 sets).

Time: 192 minutes (48 sets * 4 mins per set).
Total time: 48 minutes for group stages (240 minutes divided by 4 tables)

That would make the total time:
48 + 10 + 10 + 20 = 88 minutes = 1 hour 28 minutes. (gives us more time in the event of delays, which are probably pretty likely?)....

Quarter Finals
8 players left = 4 matches to play
4 matches * 2.5 sets (on average) = 10 sets.

Time: 40 minutes (10 sets x 4 mins per set).
Total time: 10 minutes for Quarter Finals (40 minutes divided by 4 tables)

QF winners progress to:

Semi Final
4 players left = 2 matches to play
2 matches * 2.5 sets (on average) = 5 sets.

Time: 20 minutes (5 sets x 4 mins per set)
Total time: 10 minutes for Semi Finals (20 minutes divided by 2 tables)

SF winners progress to:

2 players left = 1 match
1 match * 5 sets max. (we"ll play best of 5 in the final) = 5 sets.

Time: 20 minutes (5 sets x 4 mins per set)
Total time: 20 minutes for Final.

Simple write 1 point next to your name for each set you win. If you draw 1-1 with your opponent then you get 1 point each. If you win 2-0 then you get 2 points, they get 0. Simple!

Collection of money, Group Draw, and Prizes
I"ll be collecting cash off everyone at the Team Event, and asking them to pick a card from a deck. This will determine which group you"re in.

Assuming 16 players, we"ll award the following prizes:
1st: £30 + Trophy
2nd: £20
3rd: £15
4th: £15
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 15:00:43 PM by Matt D »
APAT Online is on Grosvenor Poker. Down the software from


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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 14:52:31 PM »
Didn't relies you was taking this serious "Get Change" I was going to play in jeans and my flat cap

Matt D

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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 15:01:01 PM »

Didn't relies you was taking this serious "Get Change" I was going to play in jeans and my flat cap


I"ve edited my post.
APAT Online is on Grosvenor Poker. Down the software from


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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 16:34:19 PM »
Anybody heading from Travelodge Luton?


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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2013, 17:16:39 PM »
Dale, your level of detail here is hilarious.


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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2013, 08:52:09 AM »
Will be setting off from days at 9.40ish if anyone wants to walk over with me.


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Re: APAT PingPong Tourney Details.
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2013, 10:00:24 AM »
Going to be a bit late - my phone took me somewhere very wring when I put the post code in. Bit lost now!