No disrespect Chris

but APAT ran the UK"s first Razz event; as part of the first World Championship of Amateur Poker back in 2007. I don"t think the history pun intended...will get you there!
One of the key reasons for having the Heads Up alongside the main on the last day of the festival, is that it allows players to get home a bit earlier after five days away, should they exit in the first round or two.
It"s the correct decision under the circumstances and I stand by it.

Two other factors to consider also with regards the schedule, is that we don"t want to put a big ask on a large number of players to be there for the opening day, hence why the Stud fits in there. That aside, it was important to not clash high traffic events with either of the main event starting dates. It wouldn"t work for DTD, and it would have meant some harder choices for players. Finally, I didn"t really see the High Roller and Six Max as comparative. The High Roller buy in is well outside of the typical APAT buy in, so i think players who are attracted by that Championship opportunity, will accept missing the Six Max.
We absolutely love our defending Champs, but ultimately we wouldn"t make a WCOAP scheduling decision for the sole reason that you might get a shot at a double.
It"s amazing that you guys care so much though and that"s what makes it really worthwhile for the organising team.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys and please keep it coming.