Author Topic: Anyone travelling up from Brighton?  (Read 2653 times)

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Anyone travelling up from Brighton?
« on: February 14, 2013, 04:13:05 AM »
Hi, is anyone travelling up to the WCOAP from Brighton? Would be ideal if someone is driving and would like to split the petrol. But if you"re going up by any mode of transport, let me know. Not looking forward to a long ship up alone. Cheers


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Re: Anyone travelling up from Brighton?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 04:49:39 AM »

Hi, is anyone travelling up to the WCOAP from Brighton? Would be ideal if someone is driving and would like to split the petrol. But if you"re going up by any mode of transport, let me know. Not looking forward to a long ship up alone. Cheers

If get confimed seat for the Saturday or Sunday ME then will be......can only make ME due to work so would prob be going up Sat night or Sun morning and coming back late Monday or Tuesday depending on work again......driving up and welcome to split petrol and if fancy it hotel room......lets see if get seat first and then speak nearer time


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Re: Anyone travelling up from Brighton?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 15:36:41 PM »
Just had seat confirmed for Day 1B  ;D so will be driving up from Brighton either Saturday afternoon or early Sunday morning.

Anyone interested in getting lift and splitting costs drop me a line!!......happy to pick up on way or do slight detours if needed!!

Also if anyone is looking for room share to bring the cost down Im up for that too.