Author Topic: Season Seven Discussion (Pre-Announcement)  (Read 92860 times)

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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #90 on: April 02, 2013, 17:28:30 PM »
Two words for ya..............................

Cash Championship

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #91 on: April 02, 2013, 17:42:50 PM »
I think the seat reservation needs a major overhaul. Half of the events needed late regs to fill up and some didn"t get close to the number that had been reserved.

The reservation in advance is perfect, however I think there needs to be a mechanism where players can buy in through Paypal as in the past, or at least without needing to be there in person at the venue.

I would suggest that 2 weeks prior to the event, everyone on the reserved list who hasn"t paid is removed. Those on the waiting list take their place. They then have 3 days or so to take up/pay for their allocation. After that it"s locked and then any empty seats are transferred to the venue.

I"m sure you can build simple reservation/waiting list functionality into the website and remove the manual need for updating (I"d volunteer my services to create this!).

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #92 on: April 02, 2013, 19:19:33 PM »

Two words for ya..............................

Cash Championship

Yes please :)

And isn"t it time for an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney please?


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #93 on: April 02, 2013, 19:26:03 PM »
Cash tourny to stay!!

Bounty shootout tourny please!!!
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #94 on: April 02, 2013, 19:28:37 PM »

Two words for ya..............................

Cash Championship

Yes please :)

And isn"t it time for an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney please?


Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #95 on: April 02, 2013, 19:35:44 PM »
OXO World Championships?
Team Gotham - The Joker

Serial APAT Underachiever


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #96 on: April 02, 2013, 19:37:07 PM »

OXO World Championships?

Different Gravy


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #97 on: April 02, 2013, 20:21:58 PM »
Definite +1 to the bounty comp.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #98 on: April 03, 2013, 10:04:17 AM »
Cash tournie.....yes

Omaha Hi/Low....yes

Still gutted to have missed last weekend.

Is the Wembley event Friday/Saturday, or has it been moved to Sat/Sun?

Matt D

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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #99 on: April 03, 2013, 12:02:25 PM »

Cash tournie.....yes

Omaha Hi/Low....yes

Still gutted to have missed last weekend.

Is the Wembley event Friday/Saturday, or has it been moved to Sat/Sun?

It"s been moved to Sat/Sun. More info very soon.
APAT Online is on Grosvenor Poker. Down the software from


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #100 on: April 06, 2013, 01:27:13 AM »
Haven"t played an APAT in a while but here"s my thoughts:

Entry Fees - £75 is right on the money.

Registration - I think people who want to reserve / pre-register should pay up front. This avoids any problems with events not hitting capacity or with no shows. Or give a deadline to pay for a seat and if that isn"t met, then un-register them and make that seat available again (or give it to a reserve). You can still choose to leave some seats for on the day signups this way too

Not sure what was mean by the commercial / slots / blackjack thing. Was that meant as a requirement or just an extra event that would be put on here and there? If it would be a requirement then it"s a disastrously terrible idea

Only last suggestion, for online tournaments / online registration, can you choose a poker network that mas a mac poker client. Please please please pretty please please please :p

Looking forward to S7 announcements and getting some more events under my belt!


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #101 on: April 07, 2013, 18:32:30 PM »
DONT FIX WHAT IS NOT ins are fine. if they increase then you could end up with less runners. you could decrease as i am sure there are members feeling the pinch at the mo. medals fine. structure fine. format fine. got to remain as freeze outs. would love to go back to cork for the irish. edinburgh for the scottish. would love to see newcastle on the map but defo not aspers, there are a number of us in newcastle that refuse to play there due to a person being banned for cheating being alllowed back in. i can help set up a deal with the g or genting if you like. teeside would be ok. an eastern euro game would be right up my street, again could help get a game on in kiev.
Peter Stringfellow is my hero. i want to grow old disgracefully too.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #102 on: April 14, 2013, 22:10:31 PM »
Hello Poker Fans,

First of all, wanted to say how much I enjoyed the WCOAP in Nottingham. I"d never heard of APAT until I saw the event listed in Bluff or some such magazine. I was seduced by the possibility of becoming a World Champion (though that didn"t happen of course) and went along and really enjoyed it, the atmosphere and banter was fun, as was the poker of course. I"ll definitely be back to play some more events, and quite possibly at Wembley. Anyway, for what it"s worth, the views of a newcomer are....

Buy ins - Stay at £75?  Increase?  Decrease?  Side events?
........ I was very happy with the buy-ins in Nottingham. I played the six-max and the main event and the money was well worth it for the pretty slow structures. You"ve got to prepared to lose your stake, and I was "happy" to lose mine for some potentially good time at the tables (though, as it happens, I min-cashed in the main event so even better!).

Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
.......... I"m happy to take a day or two off work for a good meeting, some good tourneys and structures. Of course, runners will reduce the more time off work is required. So I guess two or three days makes sense, with four being possible at Easter.

Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
............ I"ll never be able to come to all of them, but the more there are, the greater my chances of making three or four.

WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Bigger numbers in an event always makes it more exciting. But it"s good to play side events too; spread ones eggs in to couple of baskets. I guess most people will want to play the main event(?), well I would anyway. So how would you schedule a two day side event alongside a main event?

Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
.............. I don"t have any idea how team events work or how the teams are formed. It"s a new concept to me!

Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new?  Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
............. I"m new. No valid opinion. Actually, no opinion at all.

Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
........ I thought the website registration for Nottingham worked really well. I was a bit worried that my name wouldn"t be on the list when I arrived, but it was, and I was happy. I did wonder about people registering and not turning up, I don"t know whether that was a problem?
I wouldn"t be keen on registering via random poker sites. I quite fancy next week"s IPO in Stratford, for example, but understand that you can only register via Boyles Poker. My home PC is practically dead, and I simply can"t be ar5ed trying to load new poker software on the knackered ald piece of junk so I doubt whether I"ll make it along to the IPO. (Hopefully I"ll be getting a decent PC upgrade soon...)

Seat reservation - Should this continue?  If so, why?  If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work?  So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
......Sounds fair enough to me. Reg fees are not high, but having made a financial commitment, however small, should reduce no-shows.

Locations - Overseas?  New locations?  For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe.  Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
............. Count me as definitely interested.

Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments.  Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
.............. I don"t really do the other casino stuff.

Awards - Further develop the medals?  More bracelets?  Differentiate between live and online event awards?  Added value?
............ Sorry, no view really. I"ll let you know when I"ve won one!

Merchandise - Should we sell stuff?  Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors?  How deep should the range be?  High quality or cheap?  Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
............. I might be interested in a nice photo. Not too grand, though. Say, around a fiver.

- I agree with other opinions re start times. The pros might live vampire hours, but the rest of us are used to getting up in the morning.
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.

Hope that helps; I"ve totally lost the thread of this film I"m trying to watch!
Anyways, well done APAT, I"m glad I found you!
Cheers, Andy Mac.


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #103 on: April 15, 2013, 13:04:35 PM »

Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"

- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.

I wonder whether many ladies have called for a ladies event?  Seems a strange concept to me (that being said, I didn"t realise that "the ladies" game" was that far removed from the normal one, ie. a fairly mixed bag).


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Re: Season Seven Discussion
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2013, 16:12:46 PM »

Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"

- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.

Please do not do this .... ever.

Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game. 

Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.

There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.

The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.