Author Topic: New To APAT - Some Questions On Poker.  (Read 1838 times)

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New To APAT - Some Questions On Poker.
« on: April 25, 2008, 15:47:07 PM »
Firstly, hello to all who have taken the time to come and read this post and to APAT in general. 

APAT appears to be just the type of organisation I have been looking for all my poker life!  I intend to get stuck into the online tourneys and perhaps some of the regional events next season, so I hope to battle against you all soon.

My poker background:

  • Began playing online about 5 years ago.
    Play low stakes SNG and MTT"s online.
    Run a weekly pub poker night in the Lake District.
    About to start working for a local organisation running monthly poker events.

I spend a fair amount of time reading books, magazines and online articles and think that I may have fallen into a trap of too much theory and not enough practice.

I am starting to realise that theory is all good when applied in the right circumstances but playing the "Harrington on Hold'em" way is not as effective against loose, low-limit players.  Also, too much theory can mean a downturn whilst you get used to a new playing style and play it awhile to gauge how it works in real life.

I am sure I should be a better player and perhaps have been in the past.  The last couple of weeks I have returned better results online.

My questions to you all are these:

1) What is a good return playing $5 - $20 SNGs, 10-30 players online?
2) Is it possible too make a little side income playing these types of tourneys or are there too many loose players outdrawing the more solid, ABC-type players?
3) What is the best style to play in these tourneys.

My style tends to mean that I rarely lead tourneys and often am in the last couple of spots going into a final table, but then come on strong towards the latter stages.  Steady, tight, reasonably aggressive and capable of making the odd clever move.  Oh - and unlucky  ;)

The advice I have been given, is to play low-level Limit Hold'em with v.strict starting hands and take advantage of rake-back to make a decent online income.

I also have gone on a terrible live run at the pub and think that the only way to play against these loose and wild players is v.tight and v.aggresive and just to hope you don"t get out drawn.  Unfortunately, I have had a series of bad beats which has then affected my play.

Thanks for reading and I would welcome any return chat about the above, or any aspect of poker.

Live right.



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Re: New To APAT - Some Questions On Poker.
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 22:47:08 PM »

APAT appears to be just the type of organisation I have been looking for all my poker life!  I intend to get stuck into the online tourneys and perhaps some of the regional events next season, so I hope to battle against you all soon.

Welcome to APAT pal. No reason why you cant get involved this season though

1) What is a good return playing $5 - $20 SNGs, 10-30 players online?
2) Is it possible too make a little side income playing these types of tourneys or are there too many loose players outdrawing the more solid, ABC-type players?
3) What is the best style to play in these tourneys.

1. 15% ROI would be pretty good, though at the bottom end of the buy-ins you could get higher (and at the 30 player tourneys too)

2. Yes, but not enough to retire on (can easily pay for holidays or even a trip to vegas baby!) You do get horrible outdraws that make you want to "join them if i cant beat them" but just sharkscope them and thats enough to convince you otherwise.

3. super TAG at the start then super aggresive when the blinds really kick in. i love the 30 player SNGs; they really suit my "two gears only" rock like style. I struggle in MTTs though due to my lack of gears
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
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You are a genius Rob  :D