I"m still in the office so not able to fully comment back on this guys, but thanks for all the suggestions. Providing alternative suggestions and ideas is always an ask, but plenty of ideas have been put across above - so thanks for those.
The ideal scenario for APAT:-
1) Keep the events open online until the last possible moment, ideally the evening before the event.
2) Offer the events with the shortest possible journey between becoming aware of them (on the home page) and committing to play - ie, don"t ask new players to wade through a 20 page thread and then have to download software etc, find a tournament tab, deposit funds, etc etc etc!
3) Remove as much of the admin as we can to enable us to get on with some more important stuff for the tour.
4) Avoid getting hit with charges from payment providers or currency transactions
5) Generate revenue for APAT.
Unfortunately the ideal scenario isn"t possible, so we"ll do the best we can with the menu of items above.
Keep the feedback coming please - but keep the above in mind!
A fiver for the best idea that"s put into operation....