It was a long weekend in the windy mecca of the north. A thoroughly well organised event (as expected from Des and APAT). 20 well supported teams , 200 players from the best amateur sites in the UK all arrived on the Saturday to commence battle in what was to be an epic.
There were some rough beats being dished out to many , but it didnt deter the atmosphere from being electric. I would like to thank Andysmith on doing a good job as team captain. Natsam , fantastic result in reaching the Final Table after having started Day 2 as a shortstack (Well Played!). A fine support role from Kev "Ive seen the light" Rev54 to earn us more Team points and giving us a respectable finish against the big boys (18/1 seems like a bargain , considering

). A very big thank you to the rest of the team , DavidM17 ...wasnt to be this time Dave, Charlie aka SlyFox...horrible beat , Mortis ...such a great start , but when the cards are against you ...there is no escape(nice job on the Blackjack too), Beau ...solid game without the cards , Evertonbabe ... well played and good job on the roulette , Al ... what can i say , keep getting your chips in ahead and it will click together very soon. As for myself , I couldnt catch a cold all weekend.....still it took a river beat to take my chips.
I would also like to say "CONGRATULATIONS" to Mair38 , your name was on the Trophy! It was nice to meet you and hubby - Hammerheid. Ranny , always there to brighten up the weekend. Chewie2000 , was great to meet you , sorry I didnt have time to catch up with Spursman...maybe next time. Shogun112 , nice to meet you. Resdent Evil , was good to meet you and I will get revenge for those running hearts

We all made a lot of new friends too from the other forums. There were some quality people involved throughout.
Chris and Kerry , our rail team...nice to meet you both and thank you for all the support.
Finally , a big thank you to the following :
Des Duffy and Apat , thanks for a great competition , I hope we showed our worth!
John from BlueSquare , good to meet you and thank you.
GCasino - Nice venue , good staff. Thank you
AWOP & The Nutz TV...awesome coverage , many thanks for keeping all those forum members back at home base up to date with the event.
The other teams - thanks for the game , the entertainment (Newcastle) , the colour ( Bristol & Southwest ) , Dewi (top bloke , nice chatting with you) , Bas (was nice to put a face to the name , geezer) , Mike and Marcus from Gutshot (top lads!) ...and to anyone I have not mentioned. Respect
UK Football Fans