Author Topic: John Major plays poker  (Read 43118 times)

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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2013, 13:43:28 PM »
Just looking at my poker tracker and it says 7.85 bbs/100 (blatant brag) in the 2 days for September. I assumed this was big blinds. However if I look at amount won which is $37.00 and number of hands all of which played at 10cents big blinds which is 2357, I calculate big blinds won per 100 hands to be $37/23.57/0.1 = 15.7 bbs/100(another blatant brag), which is double the PT reported figure. On closer inspection the bb/100 means big BETS(not blinds) per 100. This presumably refers to the size of the big bet in fixed limit and therefore the calculation is based on 20c big bet not 10cents big blind.

Does anybody know please which is the normally reported figure. So in earlier post when 7bb+/100 reported as crushing, at 10cents Big blind level NL level do you need to win 70c per 100 hands or $1.40 ?  

Also wondering about peoples thoughts on the decision when (if ever) to leave a zoom table and immediately rejoin in order to "bank" your big stack. Yesterday I decided to do this whenever I increased my stack to over 200 big blinds ($20)  My reasoning was I felt I have an edge against fish or most abc players on the tables but probably not against the regs, and it tends to be mostly the regs I will playing against with my increased stack. My reasoning as well if I feel I have an edge against regs as well shouldn"t I just be playing at higher stakes ? Clearly I will sometimes gain less out when I have monster v big hand but also will lose less when outplayed. What are peoples thoughts - am I just playing scared ?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 13:51:51 PM by Charlie44 »


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2013, 13:47:09 PM »
It goes back to the days of limit poker - bb/100 = Big Bets/100, not Big Blinds/100..... and a Big Bet = 2x Big Blinds.

Explained better HERE


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2013, 14:20:04 PM »

It goes back to the days of limit poker - bb/100 = Big Bets/100, not Big Blinds/100..... and a Big Bet = 2x Big Blinds.

Explained better HERE

Many thanks for you your repsonse.

The guide seems to be saying that the figure should show big blinds per 100 for NL, but it seems to be showing the amount of big bets per 100 as if I was playing Limit. Have I found a glitch in my PT ? If I want the big blinds per 100 stat I guess I just look at my PT reported  figure and double it. Wish I could do that with my profit !!

« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 14:31:46 PM by Charlie44 »


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2013, 14:31:21 PM »
Just had a search round Google..... found the following quote from another forum....

PT2 and PT3 used the Limit BB/100
PT4 uses No-Limit bb/100

So, if you"re on PT2/3, then you"ll be using winrate of big bet/100, and on PT4, you"ll be using big blind/100  (apparently)

I just checked my HEM2 stats - and they use big blind/100


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2013, 14:39:57 PM »

Just had a search round Google..... found the following quote from another forum....

PT2 and PT3 used the Limit BB/100
PT4 uses No-Limit bb/100

So, if you"re on PT2/3, then you"ll be using winrate of big bet/100, and on PT4, you"ll be using big blind/100  (apparently)

I just checked my HEM2 stats - and they use big blind/100

You"re a star. I"m still on PT3. I guess I know what to do with my first months profit - fork out on PT4 !!


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2013, 18:31:30 PM »
As Steve suggested I post below some stats from my 2 sessions to date on full ring 10 cents zoom with 100BB.

Hands played : 2357
Amount won : 37.00$
VP$IP: 11.88%
PFR:  8.36%
3-bet : 3.44%
Fold to 3-Bet : 83.87%
Attempt to Steal from button  32.14%
Attempt to Steal from SB: 12.24%

I guess I"m risking apat members trying to manipulate my game, but I"ll take that risk especially as it is a relatively small sample and I"m sure my game will develop a lot over the next few months.

I know stats can be misleading, but any obvious leaks from the published stats. ? I have made some conclusions  myself but any comments appreciated.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 18:37:31 PM by Charlie44 »


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2013, 22:22:44 PM »

As Steve suggested I post below some stats from my 2 sessions to date on full ring 10 cents zoom with 100BB.

Hands played : 2357
Amount won : 37.00$
VP$IP: 11.88%
PFR:  8.36%
3-bet : 3.44%
Fold to 3-Bet : 83.87%
Attempt to Steal from button  32.14%
Attempt to Steal from SB: 12.24%

Open more hands, 3bet more hands, fold less to 3b.
Whats your 4b %?

I guess I"m risking apat members trying to manipulate my game, but I"ll take that risk especially as it is a relatively small sample and I"m sure my game will develop a lot over the next few months.

I know stats can be misleading, but any obvious leaks from the published stats. ? I have made some conclusions  myself but any comments appreciated.

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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2013, 22:38:27 PM »

You"re a star. I"m still on PT3. I guess I know what to do with my first months profit - fork out on PT4 !!

I used to be a PT3 user, and joined the Beta test group for PT4.   When it came to pay for the upgrade, I decided to have a crack at HEM2 and actually decided to give them my money instead. Very happy with HEM2, and given the choice, would not switch back to PT4


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2013, 23:05:50 PM »

As Steve suggested I post below some stats from my 2 sessions to date on full ring 10 cents zoom with 100BB.

Hands played : 2357
Amount won : 37.00$
VP$IP: 11.88%
PFR:  8.36%
3-bet : 3.44%
Fold to 3-Bet : 83.87%
Attempt to Steal from button  32.14%
Attempt to Steal from SB: 12.24%

Open more hands, 3bet more hands, fold less to 3b.
Whats your 4b %?

I guess I"m risking apat members trying to manipulate my game, but I"ll take that risk especially as it is a relatively small sample and I"m sure my game will develop a lot over the next few months.

I know stats can be misleading, but any obvious leaks from the published stats. ? I have made some conclusions  myself but any comments appreciated.

I meant to mention the fold to 3 bet stat in PT3 is flawed. It counts even if you are not the raiser, so if UTG raises and the button 3-bets and you fold the BB it adds this to your fold to 3-bet stat.

This issue is resolved in PT4.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2013, 00:07:56 AM »

As Steve suggested I post below some stats from my 2 sessions to date on full ring 10 cents zoom with 100BB.

Hands played : 2357
Amount won : 37.00$
VP$IP: 11.88%
PFR:  8.36%
3-bet : 3.44%
Fold to 3-Bet : 83.87%
Attempt to Steal from button  32.14%
Attempt to Steal from SB: 12.24%

Open more hands, 3bet more hands, fold less to 3b.
Whats your 4b %?

I guess I"m risking apat members trying to manipulate my game, but I"ll take that risk especially as it is a relatively small sample and I"m sure my game will develop a lot over the next few months.

I know stats can be misleading, but any obvious leaks from the published stats. ? I have made some conclusions  myself but any comments appreciated.

I meant to mention the fold to 3 bet stat in PT3 is flawed. It counts even if you are not the raiser, so if UTG raises and the button 3-bets and you fold the BB it adds this to your fold to 3-bet stat.

This issue is resolved in PT4.

Cheers Steve thought it looked very high. PT4 it is then !!

Just finished session for tonight. Started well but I think I lost agression as the night wore on which definitely affected my red line. Small overall profit of $4.95 though on 1239 hands played. Will review tomorrow. Going to watch poker on TV now to see George Clyde Smith progressing to the late stages of last years PCA. Anybody else beeen watching the series ?


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2013, 12:27:03 PM »

Just finished session for tonight. Started well but I think I lost agression as the night wore on which definitely affected my red line. Small overall profit of $4.95 though on 1239 hands played. Will review tomorrow. Going to watch poker on TV now to see George Clyde Smith progressing to the late stages of last years PCA. Anybody else beeen watching the series ?

It may be worth watching your session length, four tabling can be pretty intense and most players need to break up their volume into 2 hour sessions. I have noticed a losing pattern in my own sessions once I play beyond the 2 hour duration.
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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2013, 12:38:33 PM »

Just finished session for tonight. Started well but I think I lost agression as the night wore on which definitely affected my red line. Small overall profit of $4.95 though on 1239 hands played. Will review tomorrow. Going to watch poker on TV now to see George Clyde Smith progressing to the late stages of last years PCA. Anybody else beeen watching the series ?

It may be worth watching your session length, four tabling can be pretty intense and most players need to break up their volume into 2 hour sessions. I have noticed a losing pattern in my own sessions once I play beyond the 2 hour duration.

Thanks for the advice Snapper. I do take 5 min breaks every hour but I def need to keep an eye on it.


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2013, 00:28:02 AM »
Very disappointing session tonight. Did 1263 hands but loss of $24.10, making overall profit for the month down to $17.85, 3.6BB/100. Non showdown I actually broke even but losses mainly due to 3 big hands. 2 wrong calls on river and 1 bad timed bluff. Plan now to take a short break from on-line cash for a couple of days. Review all my play tomorrow which I have neglected so far tbh. - Sorry S4ooter   :-[ . So will be posting a few hands.  I then plan to play £15 tournament in local casino Friday night, and then back to it with renewed vigour Saturday.

Went to the cinema earlier today to see About Time. Has had bad reviews but we enjoyed it. Was a feelgood Richard Curtis movie -  I found quite witty, thought provoking, and with a few twists. Well recommended from me anyway. Also plan to see 2 films coming up - Rush - about the F1 duel between James Hunt and Nikki Lauda,
                       - and Dianna which is obviously about late life of Princesss Diana .


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2013, 11:50:04 AM »
Good update Mike keep them coming.

Obviously we don"t worry about losing sessions (so much easier to say than do though). They are going to happen though and if we just won all the time I am pretty sure it would be less enjoyable. Best advice I was ever given by some of the great players over on Blonde was to follow their mantra of accept the results and just #lovethegame and long term the results will take care of themselves. I know you don"t need to be told that but sometimes just being reminded of it helps anyway, or at least I find it does.

Due to reading this blog I decided to play 1000 hands on the FR Zoom table just to see what it was like and to try and be constructive in discussion with you (and not sound like a total donk *lol*). I will update result on my thread later today after I finish work but based on what you posted above here are my observations. As always I am no pro player and when I talk to a pro player I am alway surprised how much of the game I don"t understand so I would never claim to be 100% right on anything but am pretty confident in these points.

1) Playing 11/8/3 you are probably going to have a negative red line and I agree with Brendan entirely in that the red line is unimportant if the green line is going up. There is nothing wrong with trying to get it going up though. What I have done is just played a few sessions of single tabling where I really focus on picking great spots to pick up pots without showdown and ensure I am value betting and stealing enough on the river. Continuation bets seem very effective, a lot more than they are at six max. Double Barrelling seems somewhat less effective. If you get checked too twice in position with only one or two opponents just bet, you get so many folds it has to be profitable.

2) Stealing the blinds is very effective. In the FR $10nl game I would more need a reason not to be doing this than a reason to do it. If I am in the Cut Off, On the Button or on the SB and it comes to me unopened I am opening with a WIDE range. Could I recommend a small session where you try this. Just open every unopened button and SB to 30c (or less if it works). I think your steal % OTB is too low and you SB steal % is definately too low.

3) 3-betting light against button raisers when you are in the blinds still works. If you get somebody who your HUD is showing you is opening a lot of pots opens from the Button or the Cut Off then it is profitable to 3-bet them wide from the SB or BB. If you get called c-betting the flop is profitable a lot of the time, although there will be some flops we don"t want to c-bet. If I get called on the flop in a 3-bet pot I proceed with more caution than I would in a 6-max game.

So I would suggest a small (maybe 500 hand) session where you try to do the following.

1) Steal more from the cut off, button and SB. Just for that session try to steal every tie it is unopened (everybody to act before you folds) to you in any of those positions.

2) Look for good spots to 3-bet light. If you are in the blinds and get raised from the button or cut off consider 3-betting

3)  Try to steal pots on the flop in good spots. For example if you have called a raise pre, the flop comes ace high and the raiser checks to you bet it. It will work a lot.

Review the session and see if these tactic were profitable. See what difference it makes to your VPIP, PFR and 3-bet stats.

Again, if you want to do a Team Viewer session and watch my game you are more than welcome to do so and I am sure you could give good feedback on it as well.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: John Major plays poker
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2013, 20:10:23 PM »

Open more hands, 3bet more hands, fold less to 3b.
Whats your 4b %?

Just saw your Q. Answer month to date 5.88%.