Good as you wish luck with your goals Mike. I will post my thoughts, feel free to use them or ignore them as you wish

30K hands is a lot, are you 6-max or FR? I am always careful with volume goals, they are fine as long as you know that if you are playing badly and need to take a break (and this happens to us all) then it is OK not to hit the volume goal. I tend to just aim for Silverstar but if you have more time then a volume target is fine.
The non-showdown issue is one I have had myself, and still get from time to time. In my experience I tend to get a red line that is sliding downwards when I am playing too mechanically (AKA too tight). When I am trying to play too many tables for example or not really focusing on the game. This usually leads to me not 3-betting enough (and just calling instead), not double barreling against the correct players, not making notes, not stealing on the river when it is correct to do so and not stealing the blinds enough. I have spent quite a bit of time on this with help from better players (including Noble1 on here). To find the actual leaks it is worth reviewing a session and posting the following stats:-
Fold to 3-Bet:
Attempt to Steal from Button:
Attempt to Steal from SB:
Also spend some time with your Poker Tracker and have a notepad and pen during the session so you can make a quick note of hands you want to look back through at the end of the session, try posting some of the hand on then Strategy section here or the PHA on Blonde. Do this even if it is just to check on your thinking. You need to look at not just the hands with the big pots as these are not what affect your red line but spots where maybe you should bluff when you didn"t or maybe you should barrel the turn and didn"t. Also be careful not to focus too much on the red line, the green line is more important.
If you want to and think it will help I would be happy for you to watch me play a bit of $10nl Zoom / non Zoom on Teamviewer. I am not going to claim to be a great player but I have been profitable in this game although on by 2BB/100 this year.
If you have time have a read through this thread, it is long and will take a few weeks but is worth it as it has a lot of great hands from $10nl Zoom included.