Author Topic: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT  (Read 20912 times)

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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2013, 12:30:44 PM »
Just seen this FB vid of Liam Batey playing Aces in flight 6. Lol at the pre flop action!!


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2013, 13:22:06 PM »

Just seen this FB vid of Liam Batey playing Aces in flight 6. Lol at the pre flop action!!

He knocked me out last night with AA vs my AK for a 120k pot, then picked up another 50k next hand when he got dealt KK up against AQ and JJ of two shorter stacks.

Looks like he ran pretty good :)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 13:52:01 PM by Chipaccrual »


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2013, 19:01:19 PM »
Here we go then. Bullets 7 & 8 tonight. Feeling good about this one.


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2013, 21:40:21 PM »
Busted flight 7 in 66th/202. JJ vs A9d

iPoker - £60.00+£0.00|<> NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

kungfudino (SB): 44,538
KickAss72 (BB): 57,420
LCS1 (UTG): 78,912
CadenCai (UTG+1): 34,040
NZtsunami (MP): 33,450
sillbagsDTD (MP+1): 28,640
BOOM6969 (CO): 80,052
DuskyDawn (BTN): 112,369

8 players post ante of 300, kungfudino posts SB 1,000, KickAss72 posts BB 2,000

Pre Flop: (pot: 5,400) sillbagsDTD has Js Jd
fold, fold, NZtsunami raises to 33,150 and is all-in, sillbagsDTD calls 28,340, fold, fold, fold, fold

Flop : (62,080, 2 players) 7c 6d 8d

Turn : (62,080, 2 players) 4s

River : (62,080, 2 players) 2d

NZtsunami shows Ad 9d (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 31%, Flop 60%, Turn 39%)
sillbagsDTD mucks Js Jd (One Pair, Jacks) (Pre 69%, Flop 40%, Turn 61%)
NZtsunami wins 62,080


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2013, 23:03:41 PM »
Just busted flight 8 in 104th/199. Lost a flip with 88 vs AK. These are really beginning to test my composure  :-\

iPoker - £60.00+£0.00|<> NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

pride55 (UTG+1): 13,635
sillbagsDTD (MP): 13,175
CruteeBoban (MP+1): 9,307
Sully3 (CO): 57,778
BF19 (BTN): 14,264
JonnyThRock (SB): 45,220
BigDon66 (BB): 56,676

8 players post ante of 100, JonnyThRock posts SB 400, BigDon66 posts BB 800

Pre Flop: (pot: 2,000) sillbagsDTD has 8s 8c
fold, fold, sillbagsDTD raises to 1,600, fold, fold, BF19 raises to 14,164 and is all-in, fold, fold, sillbagsDTD calls 11,475

Flop : (28,150, 2 players) Kd Qs 2s

Turn : (28,150, 2 players) Tc

River : (28,150, 2 players) Kc

sillbagsDTD mucks 8s 8c (Two Pair, Kings and Eights) (Pre 55%, Flop 9%, Turn 5%)
BF19 shows Ks Ad (Three of a Kind, Kings) (Pre 45%, Flop 91%, Turn 95%)
BF19 wins 28,150


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2013, 21:59:15 PM »
Got 88k at 3rd break in flight 9. 16/62/276. blinds 2.5k/5k now, so not much play and anything can happen with a 3bet shove stack.


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2013, 22:37:02 PM »
33rd for £60 buyin back. Sick bustout hand for a 200k pot 6 away from making day 2!!!

iPoker - £60.00+£0.00|<> NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

kinghaggz (CO): 91,522
Rich1960 (BTN): 276,406
thesmurff (SB): 91,312
GALWACONT7 (BB): 106,112
Transman (UTG): 25,666
trusoldieruk4 (UTG+1): 158,008
mAArtusiAA (UTG+2): 92,006
63isTheNuts (MP): 164,290
sillbagsDTD (MP+1): 79,667

9 players post ante of 1,000, thesmurff posts SB 3,000, GALWACONT7 posts BB 6,000

Pre Flop: (pot: 18,000) sillbagsDTD has Ad Ah
Transman raises to 24,666 and is all-in, fold, fold, fold, sillbagsDTD calls 24,666, fold, fold, fold, GALWACONT7 calls 18,666

Flop : (85,998, 3 players) 7s Js 10c
GALWACONT7 bets 80,446, sillbagsDTD calls 54,001

Turn : (194,000, 3 players) 10h

River : (194,000, 3 players) 10d

GALWACONT7 shows A s 10s (Four of a Kind, Tens) (Pre 11%, Flop 41%, Turn 90%)
Transman shows Qs Kc (Three of a Kind, Tens) (Pre 12%, Flop 14%, Turn 7%)
sillbagsDTD mucks Ad Ah (Full House, Tens full of Aces) (Pre 77%, Flop 45%, Turn 2%)
GALWACONT7 wins 194,000


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #52 on: September 26, 2013, 23:58:12 PM »
Sick hand, but surely you are shoving to isolate in that position ?  The BB is getting huge value to see a flop and gets enough of it to not be going away in a hurry.

It would have added 43k to your stack if just up against the short stack.

Perhaps I"m reading it wrong.  Either way, it"s horrible to get aces bust late on like that.


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2013, 04:59:19 AM »

Sick hand, but surely you are shoving to isolate in that position ?  The BB is getting huge value to see a flop and gets enough of it to not be going away in a hurry.

It would have added 43k to your stack if just up against the short stack.

Perhaps I"m reading it wrong.  Either way, it"s horrible to get aces bust late on like that.

+1 ul but defo need to be isolating there imo


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2013, 07:51:08 AM »
I know what you guys are saying, but there was a few reasons for flatting the aces, obv wish I had piled now though. There was a couple of guys behind me with high 3bet tendencys. I was looking to get a shove from hands like AJ or 8"s, who would fold if I iso"d. The blinds were about to go up as well, which meant if had lost the hand to the all in shorty I would have been crippled with about 8bbs. There was over 100k in the side pot, so as long as don"t lose the the him, I still win the healthy side pot and have a playable stack. It was a very close desision, and had no time bank left. I think I was just trying to extract max value from the hand. I mean if their hands were reversed and the KQ had peeled, it would have worked out how I"d planned. I take your comments on board and maybe even with the other factors considered, it is still a mistake to flat to induce here  :-\


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2013, 09:33:10 AM »
I"m not in this stake, but have been watching your progress with interest. You have to go with your reads Neil, and if you have flatted for a specific reason here, expecting a raise behind a fair percentage of the time, then the flat call has credibility and is possibly +EV.  With the way these tourneys are playing out, and with the desire to take a decent stack to day 2 to be competitive, I think it"s reasonable to do whatever you can to try and engineer a massive pot in this spot.  

However, I don"t have a %age, so perhaps not my place to comment.


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2013, 21:56:00 PM »
I will not be going to Nottingham for day 2 thanks to this exit hand from flight 12. The guy was playing 63/7 ffs!!!
Pretty much sums my week up  :(
iPoker - £60.00+£0.00|<> NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

Rolirns (UTG+2): 29,145
dtm75 (MP): 16,585
squeakymackerel (MP+1): 13,345
sillbagsDTD (CO): 14,169
ThreeTooWunGo (BTN): 28,850
MFCMark99 (SB): 14,620
byefornow (BB): 9,579
ynwa8 (UTG): 17,272
ripple44 (UTG+1): 22,135

9 players post ante of 25, MFCMark99 posts SB 100, byefornow posts BB 200

Pre Flop: (pot: 525) sillbagsDTD has Ad Ah
ynwa8 raises to 800, fold, fold, fold, fold, sillbagsDTD raises to 2,400, fold, fold, fold, ynwa8 calls 1,600

Flop : (5,325, 2 players) 3h 6d 2d
ynwa8 bets 5,325, sillbagsDTD raises to 11,744 and is all-in, ynwa8 calls 6,419

Turn : (28,813, 2 players) 5d

River : (28,813, 2 players) 8h

sillbagsDTD mucks Ad Ah (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 82%, Flop 69%, Turn 40%)
ynwa8 shows 2s 5s (Two Pair, Fives and Twos) (Pre 18%, Flop 31%, Turn 60%)
ynwa8 wins 28,813


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2013, 00:41:40 AM »
Made day 2 of the Bristol Masters Main Event with 28,250. Average 46k with 88 players remaining. Not the best stack, but with blinds at 600/1200 and 45 min levels, I still have a playable stack. Somehow I managed to play 10 levels without picking up AK or AQ once. Interesting hand with QQ though.

I have around 20k at 100/200 and open  Qs Qc to 550 utg+2. Hijack calls, Cutoff calls, button raises to 2100. Button had been moved to our table about an hour before. He"d been pretty active, but not seen him 3bet before and not sure if he realised this was a good squeeze spot or not. I did not want to call and play oop, possibly multi way, so I chose to 4bet to 4500. He thinks for 30 seconds counting his chips and shoves. He has me covered. Whilst I"m tanking, he starts saying "you must have AK". I tell him I don"t have AK and that I hate to 4 bet fold this hand. He then says "You must have QQ then" I eventually fold after a couple more mins and he show AA. Bullet dodged. Thoughts?


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2013, 13:55:00 PM »
He should have stayed quiet if he wanted to stack you?


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Re: DTD Grand Prix & Gala Bristol Poker Masters package SOLD OUT
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2013, 15:07:48 PM »
Busted in 50th. Blinds 1k/2k, I shove 26k from co with KQ. Bb calls with AJ and holds. Got up 40k at one point but had to fold 10"s to a huge 3bet. He showed aces.