there are no results orientated thinking here Bren, u can get off that horse fella

like i said watch his previous hands before he played the JJ add in how he reacted to the 40c river bet into a $7 king river, and you think thats not something worth noting regarding his style?
now add in the notes Rodders had on him - flatted 3bet from sb from the btn with AA and raised cbet on wet flop... [at about 9min35secs Rodders refers to Simeon being capable of flatting big pairs when he has the J8s on the btn also]
even the the way he played 55 after hitting a set oop gives extra clues... [btw Rodders i"d note the flop texture he did that on]
there are no notes on seeing bluffs or semi bluffs... [plus on the video i can"t see him even possibly semi bluffing/bluff, like you refer to also Bren, all i see are predictable straight forward abc types]
plus at these limits post flop with a opponent with stats like this, plus what notes Rodders has, can Rodders improve upon his thought process ""i think i"ll just call and go from there"" [didn"t even check previous notes, plus he didn"t start putting Simeon on a range in which he"d raise call pre with or raise on the flop]
turn thoughts?
river thoughts? still no reason to expect him to bluff 100% all missed draws imho, we know he"ll bet for value 100%...
is his river bet sizing worth noting?
river - no thoughts at the time except for ""thats a big bet"" - pot odds, i"d like to see Rodders go through how often he thinks Simeon will bluff before he checks to him, as played i"d like to see Rodders go back through the hand quick and think how its played out etc [we use our extra time bank]
plus Rodders could of thought about bet folding as an option also [remember how villain reacted to that ridiculous 40c bet only moments earlier]
i think thats enough for now, Rodders i tip my hat to you sir for having the stones to put this up... regarding the video, maybe you can record first then add audio later on what you were thinking about at the time.. [just in case i"m doing you a dis-service and you actually thought about a lot more things but didn"t express them at the time of the making of the vid]