I did wonder how long it would take for this thread to be resurrected!
Live updates are a not-insignificant cost to APAT and generate no revenue as such. This is true of pretty much all updates be it Blonde/DTD or Sky.
This is very true. I think a lot of people would be surprised at how much an update team costs. You pay an updater a daily rate plus expenses (hotel/travel/food etc). I"m not going to divulge confidential financial information from APAT but for an event like the worlds, a good freelance updater could charge (including expenses) 4 figures.
Now before you go "how much!" let me lay it out for you. As an example, let"s assume the Worlds are back at Stratford, during August Bank Holiday (as I cant look at next Easter) and we have the same schedule, from 19th August - 25th August. I have agreed to update for my standard rate (this is the number you dont get).
My train costs are £90.
7 nights at Stratford Travelodge (cheapest I found for this worlds) are £346 if I book today.
I generally don"t charge food expenses but when I did the ISPT, food allowance was £20 per day for 3 meals - so £140.
Even if you take out the food expenses, you still dont get much change from £500. Then you actually have to pay the updater. Don"t forget that most of the updaters are freelance, and have many other options - so you have to offer a rate that gets them to take your job rather than another one. In my case, I work as a contractor full time, so I would have to take time off work (unpaid, as a contractor) to cover the week (Tuesday - Monday), plus the second Tuesday to travel back home, plus probably Wednesday to recover from 7 solid days of running round a cardroom. (or, if you work at Wembley, 92 BLOODY STEPS)
Just ask yourself how much you would offer to do it for, solidly, for a week. Then add the expenses on top. Updating is expensive for the company and, tbh, not value for money at all. When Tighty did it for APAT, he was employed full time by APAT AFAIK so didnt draw extra costs. As much as we love MTS/Matt/Tom, they are not Tighty and we shouldn"t expect them to be.
Any help these guys can get, please, do so. But a fair warning - updating is a LOT harder than people think