Author Topic: 2014 Virgin London Marathon  (Read 24713 times)

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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2013, 00:56:06 AM »
Oh hum.
Pure bubbled a $10.50 turbo super K/O for the 3rd time on the trot.
Most definitely sticking to the running now.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2013, 19:11:34 PM »

WTF? You only need a ball gag.

TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 22:15:04 PM »
Had a couple days off of work and my eating has not been too good and really needed to get to the gym today, Im trying to hit the gym twice a week and road twice a week to help ease the impact on my knees and ankles.
Yesterday I went for a nice but very cold walk down to the beach with my family, was a long way so had to keep carrying my daughter up, when I got home something had been pulled inside my chest and almost every movement was agony, this morning it had cleared slightly, I was determined to just run through it in the hope that it would loosen up.
I have set up a 2nd gym membership in southampton and was planning on getting in and out before the rush hour.
Unfortunately a short trip into town for some shopping took longer than planned and that put that plan to waste.
A quick call to the baby sitter (my mummy) and all was sorted for a later visit.
I have purchased a few running accessories to help stave off injuries and keep me training.
The compression sleeves for my calves arrived today so todays dress routine was as follows:
new running shorts
new compression sleeves, felt good albeit a little tight (I was on the lower end of the measurement chart) my calves have caused me the most pain after a run so persisted.
knee brace
ankles braces
new running socks
what a site I must have been but I do not care there are more important things than how I look.
got to the new gym and it was a fair size, 3 different areas of treadmills, all facing white walls, as if treadmills are not boring enough, you get to stare at a blank wall for the duration.
There was the odd tv dotted around but not at the right height to retain a correct running posture.
From the very first step I was in pain, I pushed on in the hope that it would ease........nope......pretty much hell for the whole 62min session.
I managed 50mins running and hit 5miles (8km)
tomorrow the same is planned except for the compression sleves, I am going to wash them and use them for the recovery if my calves hurt, funny, that made me just realise that my calves are currently not hurting  still not wearing them again while running though.
Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2013, 22:41:17 PM »
Have been feeling pretty poo all week and it took me 20mins to get off of the sofa tonight to get myself to the gym.
My legs felt heavy but better than when I ran on tuesday.
Due to having the calories burnt instead of speed I did not know how fast I was running until I noticed that the figures did not quite match up.
I had added 0.2kph, it may not seem a lot but my legs say otherwise
50mins and 5.06miles
Depending on what time I get home from work tomorrow it will either be another trip to the gym for a fartleck session or hit the road for another 5k pb attempt.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2013, 22:29:56 PM »
Due to work plans I changed my fridays session to a long run today.
I spent time last night planning the route around Romsey before changing my mind and thought that last weeks hills were not that bad.
Idiot Idiot Idiot, today they were hell, I made it through 5 miles ok but then it went south and and my calfs and knees screamed at me for the rest of it.
Theres no quit in me now so head down and plough on through.
Managed 8.65miles, it took me a little longer than I had hoped but I still did it.
Somehow, even with my bad eating this week I managed to lose 4 lbs, down to 15st 8lbs.
Hoping I can keep this up now, looking to drop the 8lbs in the next 2 weeks, going to be tough but it is achievable.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2013, 21:53:36 PM »
Currently up in sunny Aberdeen.
Had arranged a local membership for PureGym only to end up with digs 25miles away.
I did managed to get super lucky though and have managed to find a gym 1 mile away.
I hit the gym tues and managed an hr and 6 miles, I think I am going to stick to hrs now and try to slowly up my speed during the week.
Tonight again it was an hr and 6 miles.
Actually feel quite good.
My diet has taken a bit of a battering with no cooking facilities in the digs so hard to control my calorie intake but with it being sooooooo cold and increasing my length of run I am hoping I have still managed to lose something.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2013, 15:27:51 PM »
Keep it going mate, great efforts so far
TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2013, 21:44:28 PM »
Thank you Chris
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2013, 22:47:15 PM »
I made a small mistake on my last post and am in fact still at 15st 8lbs.
Made it to the gym last night for a 6 mile run, currently at 6mph so an hr.
Am wanting to raise the speed a little bit but not been feeling great of late.
I had a 15min wait for a treadmill as there are only 3 in the gym.
I made it to 5.3miles and then the treadmill switched off and stopped, jarring my knee in the process, I jumped onto a free one next to me to continue but my knee did not want to so I had a longer warm down.
When I got off a lady asked if I was knackered after running for that long, apart from my legs I feel fine, in fact I felt great.
Tonight I went again and again had to wait, looked like 20mins but luckily someone stopped early so only 10.
I completed the hr long 6 miles and again felt great bar both knees a little sore.
Home tomorrow after 12 days away, really looking forward to seeing my girls.
Friday is another 5k pb attempt, I WILL DO IT!
Thank you for following me.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2013, 22:41:33 PM »
Had a pretty incredible weekend.
Friday 13th marked 13years with my beautiful wife (so she tells me).
So I made the 5k attempt on Saturday, smashed my old pb by over 2m30s and completed it in 25m59s
Today I flew back up to Aberdeen for the week.
Sunday is long run day so dreading 10miles on a treadmill but I completed it in 1hr40mins.
Knees are sore as hell, hoping they clear ready for work tomorrow.
Still a very very long way to go but 18 weeks to get there.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2013, 21:56:04 PM »
Still not feeling 100%
Diet has slipped again and the weather (45mph winds and cold) have pretty much totally drained me.
Tuesday"s 6 miles was not too bad but tonight I felt like I was running on empty from 8 mins in, I still finished but that was mentally tough.
I know that these tough days are needed as it"s more than just fitness and endurance that I need.
Work has been pretty awesome, although we have been let down by a couple of deliveries and the we have had to endure a couple of storms we have battled on and are right on top of things ready to board our freedom bird home tomorrow for a well deserved 2 weeks with my girls.
Going to try to shave a few more seconds from my 5k pb on Saturday and then an 11 miler Sunday.
Have a great weekend and see you next week.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2013, 00:38:55 AM »
Got home Friday a little more tired than I thought so decided on leaving the 5k til Saturday.
Then Saturday did not go to plan, the weather was also awful but not an excuse I am going to use very often as I can always go to a gym but seeing as I had an 11 miler to do today I decided it best to save my legs for that.
Had a Christmas party to go to last night and got back pretty late.
A lay in this morning before helping to get my daughter packed ready for a day at Nan"s followed by collecting main Christmas present from Grandad"s and there was no time to plan my route for today.
I finally got going at 14.30 and felt really fresh for the first 3 miles then at 6 miles a few niggles kicked in but still felt good.
I was making the route up as I went so that I did not have to run past my house to add any extra distance on to make up the 11 miles.
I really wanted to do 12 miles today and up until 9.5 miles thought that I would but then my legs began to say no, get the hell off of me fat boy.
The last 1.5 miles were more staggered than ran but I still managed to complete the 11 miles in 1hr 47 mins.
Ended up with 2 extremely sore knees which touch wood are felling much better now and a day of rest should be enough before I hit the gym on Christmas Eve for a 6 miler.
Also a bleeding nipple, looks like its time to get the Vaseline out.
This running marlarky is so glamorous.
Oh and for the first time in 3 weeks I have lost weight, 4 lbs so down to 15st 4lbs.
Would really like to ge below 15st for the new year.
Merry Christmas all and a happy new year.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2014, 22:50:11 PM »
We"ll I never made it below 15st for the new year, I in fact put weight on and at one point was up to 15st11lbs.
I attempted a 12mile road run but my knees were so sore from 8miles on that every step was agony and I finally gave in at 9.5miles.
I decided to give my knees a rest and change tact a little and just hit the gym harder.
I changed from 6 miles in an hr to 10km (6.21miles) runs, stepping it up to lower my times.
I have managed to get from 6mph to 7mph and knocked 6 mins off of my best time in little over a week.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2014, 22:50:39 PM »
Took another minute off of my pb :)
10km in 53m25s.
Was pretty hard from 4km onwards and had to dig deep.
Going to put another couple of these in this week before the long run on Sunday.
Going for 13.2m on a treadmill, mmmm should be exciting.
Now Christmas and the new year are in the distant past my charity (please take a minute to look at the incredible work they do) and I would really really appreciate any donations that you could afford, even £1s add up please tick the gift aid box so that Action can claim another 25% direct from the government.
One last thing, could you please share this post as the more people that see it the better as I believe that Action is such a deserving charity.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2014, 14:59:52 PM »
Hit the gym after 12 days off with a cold.
It did not go well.
Managed to jog/walk 6k in just under 37 mins, highly disappointed and shocked at how far I had been knocked back.
The following day I tried again, it did not go much better but I dug deep and managed to complete 10k in just under an hr 4 mins, pleased that I completed the 10k at least but over 10mins slower than 2 weeks previously.
thursday I hit the gym for the 3rd day running and although again I had to intersperse come walking I did manage to complete the 10k in 58mins.
Friday is a rest day and I took yesterday as a rest day too so that I could be a little fresher for the gym today.
I was hoping to complete a 1/2 marathon today but knew that was probably aiming too high so 12miles would be an incredible achievement with how the week has gone.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey