With December just around the corner I thought this would be a good time to do some kind of poker competition. Christmas is likely to happen in December (it often occurs on 25th) and you always end up with a few days where there you are off work, no football is on, you are sick of the pub and the only thing to do is play poker and gamble. So it would be good to have a little bit of extra incentive.
Some options we could do are:-
Best ROI on the 180 man events at whatever buyin level you want to play. You can play the turbos or the standard games?
Most profit on a certain level, maybe the $2.50 or the $4.50 depending on if people like the turbos or non turbos better.
Best ROI in all games $11 and below
Anything else that anybody can suggest, we could run it from 01/12/2013 through to 01/01/2014 inclusive.
$10 per man and depending on numbers we split the prize money up for the first few places. For example if we get 10 players we could do
1st = 50%
2nd = 30%
3rd = 20%
Anybody interested and any better suggestions as to what we could do for a competition?
What do we think would be the best minimum numbers of games?
Interest List
Mark Porter