Page open to reply and the voice in my head is screaming, " keep it short"

For tournies a good start would be to label players....
- loose aggro
- Tight aggro
- loose passive
- tight passive
- rock
If a rock or passive player makes an aggressive action, beware! and of course vice versa.
Some traits I note as exploitable.....
Steal steal steal and don"t play big pots versus his blind.
- folds to cb too often / limp calls preflop.
These two tendencies are often found as a pair but not exclusively. Isolate this cash cow frequently.
Wide 3b bluff or wide 3b for value depending on how player responds to 3b"s
- Opens too wide from early position.
3b"s versus early position opens get lots of respect.
Pay close attention and note how a player plays his monster hands, it is extremely valuable to be able to confidently rule out two pair, sets or greater from our opponents likely holdings. I could go on here but I"m sure you get the picture.
Think about tendencies you can exploit, note them and remember, they are only useful if you act on them!