Author Topic: WCOAP TEAM EVENT  (Read 37857 times)

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« Reply #150 on: December 22, 2013, 21:12:20 PM »

When will England team be announced?!

They"ll need a captain first!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
WCOAP 8 game champ
WCOAP turbo champ
WCOAP Pineapple 2n


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« Reply #151 on: December 22, 2013, 21:22:31 PM »
Ok after a little issue with my Apat account im back. New name and all. Im zzBlizzardzz and Im or have been the Captain of Team Canada for the past 3 years. Whilst it is true I struggle every year to get player"s and there is no picking and choosing who is the best players, I take what I can get. That being said we have win medals two out of three times so I cannot fault the talent of a the players I am fortunate to play for our team. I doubt there is another team that has to work as hard as us to get a team together. I did struggle last year when it jumped to 5 per team but I made it happen. I say I made it happen because quite frankly its alot of work finding 4 Canadians that play poker and are able to or want to play the wcoap. It is work and alot of stress when it comes down to the wire. Every team has its problems so im not bitching. If I cant find the players then I will simply back Team Canada out of the Tournament.  England however does not have thus luxury,  the Captain of England is basically in charge of disappointing a vast number of his or her friends for the sake of picking 3 or 4 other players. I dont envy that, I do envy the talent pool they get though if im honest. But that being said I wouldnt give up one of my guys/girls for anyone. This is not about individuals. This is about representing your country. Of course England will defend its title, its Englands title, not Steve"s, Asa"s, Tony"s, Carl"s or Stu"s. Its Englands title and it will be defended. And if APAT decide its 4,5,6,7,8  players then thats what it will be. It will be difficult or Impossible for some countrys and this will cause them to drop out and that would be a shame. These small pool Teams of which Canada is part of look forward to this event all year as its the only event in the APAT calender that they can play as a team. It is my humble opinion that anything that makes it easier for these small pool teams can only be better for the event over all. So, that being said I hope to see you all not only at the upcoming WCOAP but for many years to come.