So, my thoughts on the hand (taken from a convo on Facebook with Rodders)
Pre flopIm obv potting pre as i have them AA with a suit to, easy enough in these games
he flats, not too much of a shock really.
Flopflop is not too bad, but the hh being out is a bit annoying. I have top pair and an overpair anyway, so it definitely another bet, im trying to take it down ther and then, i might actually want to bet a bit bigger in future, but if he re raises me i can get away for a bit cheaper, as i fold to any aggression
Turnturn gives me 2 pair and avoids the FD hitting, so i am pretty confident i am ahead at this point in time. Straight draw missed too, so i need to try and take this down here and now, as i hate the river most of the time.
What am i putting my oppo on at this point in time?straight and flush draws mainly, with possibly QQxx or mayyyyybe KKxx but mainly draws. If he hasnt got draws then he should be betting hands that beat me strongly to get me off them, as i can easily have combo hands that he wont like the look of, unless he has the combo hands himself
(there is a bit of chat going back and forth, i wont put rodders thought sin the middle, as i dont have his permission, he can give them later if he likes)
he will probably raise a strong flush draw as a semi bluff, and would have raised sets on the flop, so its probably the straight draw IMO
The River
looks on the face of it to be a horrible card, however a backdoor FD gets there, but i cant see that many hands with a 9 in it that he has.
i have decent showdown value with my weakish 2 pair, so i am sure checking is the right move
then he sits there for age before making a pot sized bet
he has had to summon up the courage to do it, and then waved the biggest stick he can at me in the hope that it scares me off