Author Topic: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship Discussion Thread  (Read 45042 times)

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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2014, 12:35:58 PM »

Dont expect Des to respond soon though, he has more important things on his mind today..

Congratulations Des and Sian a baby girl !! :)

Really....some people have no sense of priorities. :>)

Congrats Des & Siano
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2014, 12:53:37 PM »
Oh wow, stuck in work and hadn"t been on FB to see that.

Congrats Des & Sian!


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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2014, 05:43:51 AM »
i have to say i agree with gimac don"t fix it if it is not broke. how many different games do we include. razz, irish, chinese, the list would go on and on and we would have an ever decreasing pool of players. i have already told gimac that i dont want to play plo 08. now looking at prague i think most players are happy with the big game at the end, i am ok with that but think the hu is a waste of time and can create a luck based result, more so than any other event, stack size at the start was to small.

for me i would go back to the 5 sngs, i would play 3 holdem, limited pl and nl. with the other rounds being lo and plo. they are all very different games and play different. for me lh is underrated. heard loads of players saying it takes too long, most of them have never played it. yes at the start of the game it is slow but it very quickly turns. for me it is a drawing game and hence more players are in the pots. hu should be reserved for draws. most nations find it hard to get a team so why make it harder.
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2014, 22:54:13 PM »

I have discussed this with Tom and Matt and I can assure you that the event will definitely have five phases to it.

With five phases, country captains will have to allocate their four players in the following way:-

Day One


Phase 2 - NLHE, NLHE, PLO, PLO

Phase 3 - HU

Day Two

Phase 4 - NLHE, NLHE, PLO8, PLO8

Phase 5 - MTT

With over three months to go, captains should be able to ensure they have at least two players in their team who are expert in Omaha and 08.

The Main Event and the World Amateur Team Championship are the two most high profile tournaments of the WCOAP and we think the above format will lead to another superbly competitive event.

100% agree, so why are the 2 Omaha variants on the same 2 days as the ME day 1"s. Can we please swap the Razz with one of them???

It is not certain of course, but the likelyhood is, is that those wanting to play PLO will want to play PLO8 as well. (have put this here in the hope it gets noticed)

I don"t understand this question the main event is on a totally different day...this schedule says the first STT (phase 1) will be all 4 members of the team will be playing NLHE...the second STT of the day (or phase 2) will have two members of the team playing NLHE and the other two members of the team will be playing PLO. The last event of day 1 (phase 3) will have all members playing a heads up match.  Day 2 has the 3rd STT (phase 4) of the event has two members of the team playing NLHE and two playing PLO8 and the last phase will be a MTT which I"m sure all team members will be playing and it will be the people who are playing PLO can play PLO8...which i plan on doing myself because I"m able to play both...definitely not an expert  The Main Event of the WCOAP isn"t until Saturday and Sunday which are the day 1s while the team championship is on Thursday and Friday.  So this question didn"t make sense to me...



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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #64 on: January 30, 2014, 23:01:32 PM »
oh i get it now you"re talking about side events and not the team  I was so confused because it doesn"t have anything to do with the team events you were just trying to get Des" attention...sorry Curlage... :o


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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #65 on: January 31, 2014, 03:16:51 AM »
Hello to all...u may concerne..
For those who dont know me My name IS Bruno Rilho,and for the last 6 years i have been Portugals captain,My team will play this year.....and we have to say we dont like the changes you did......i play poker for quite a long time now and have to be honest we dont play much Omaha in Portugal,( live i mean).... But now PLO8 .....i had to google it because i never heard it......and i have played a lot of tournaments all Europe but mayby it just us...but i think the Team Events you had in past year where really great,why change something that not broken..if you want to change why not stud ...razz...five card draw........Next year i think you should put Chinese poker.....we quite really good at it........joking a side......We really desaprove of the changes PLO8 WHY?????????????
But any way.........just a thought ..........SEE u guys around the Felt......and for those who teams are good in this PLO 8 i guess and with no ofence must be good for Some teams......all the best.....we will just have to fold our hands and wait the somebody bustes before us hehehhehehehhehehhehhe..........GO go go.....


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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #66 on: January 31, 2014, 11:50:19 AM »

Hello to all...u may concerne..
For those who dont know me My name IS Bruno Rilho,and for the last 6 years i have been Portugals captain,My team will play this year.....and we have to say we dont like the changes you did......i play poker for quite a long time now and have to be honest we dont play much Omaha in Portugal,( live i mean).... But now PLO8 .....i had to google it because i never heard it......and i have played a lot of tournaments all Europe but mayby it just us...but i think the Team Events you had in past year where really great,why change something that not broken..if you want to change why not stud ...razz...five card draw........Next year i think you should put Chinese poker.....we quite really good at it........joking a side......We really desaprove of the changes PLO8 WHY?????????????
But any way.........just a thought ..........SEE u guys around the Felt......and for those who teams are good in this PLO 8 i guess and with no ofence must be good for Some teams......all the best.....we will just have to fold our hands and wait the somebody bustes before us hehehhehehehhehehhehhe..........GO go go.....

Bruno makes a reasonable point here. Des & Team, would you agree that it would be worth contacting the various non-UK-based international teams for some feedback on the PLO8? I"m sure everyone agrees that the attendence of teams like Portugal is one of the key ingredients that makes the WCOAP so special. There"s plenty of time to make adjustments to what is a small part of the overall schedule, and my own view (for what it"s worth) is that perhaps Razz or Stud should make up the extra variant for the poker purists rather than PLO8...
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #67 on: January 31, 2014, 12:21:54 PM »

... perhaps Razz or Stud should make up the extra variant for the poker purists rather than PLO8...

But then what"s the difference?....You"d just get teams saying we don"t have Razz/Stud players.

Either you have an all HE Team Champs (which would suck IMO) or you don"t. If you don"t...then whatever variants you chose you will always get some teams who won"t like some of the ones selected.

I think that HE, PLO & PLO8 are the top three most popular variants played (although I can"t back that up with numbers)...but it seems likely.

Personally, i think HU sucks but it"s just another "variant/option" and most seem happy with that.
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #68 on: January 31, 2014, 12:35:48 PM »
I"d argue that FLHE has much more sound reasoning to be included than PLO8, though I think that it would cause just as much upset. Stud would be a step too far (though I"d be delighted to see it). But the schedule is fixed now.
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2014, 13:01:04 PM »
It"s a truism that you"ll never please all the people all the time, but it"s worth optimising the number of people who are pleased....

IMO, and without really wanting to labour the point, the key people to please are those that are making the journey from overseas. After all, without them, it becomes the Home Championships. Isn"t it worth canvassing them and getting their view on which of the variants would be their preference? No-one would dispute that to make it exclusively NLH would be both wrong and dull, but the addition of PLO8 to a schedule that already includes PLO may not be the optimum option either.

If the schedule is set, then I guess this is the end of the discussion, but it will be a real shame if Bruno and his continental counterparts decide that the Comp is weighted against them and drop out in future years.
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #70 on: February 02, 2014, 03:22:41 AM »
I agree with you.......if there is already PLO why put PLO8......i am honest i had to go to google to find out the rules of PLO8 .....why not put stud ....fice card draw........i dont want to ofend nobody but.......but in Uk you guys play alot PLO....PLO8..... Ofcourse you are going to be favourites.......if you want to put something diferent i would go for chinese poker.......than would like to hear any coments....that u cant please this nobody would be please and everybody would be happy.....again...dont want to offend anybody......i am a simple person who like to say what i think....but,u can put PLO ....PLO8.....razz...stuf...even..UNO if you want.........we are versatile and we shall learn one way or the other.....I just think APAT should have asked or at least write in the forum opinions of all Teams about the changes before doing them......and yes we do fly from aboard.......and its not nice to go play an event that we dont know the........Game.........but no harm done we still very please to attend APAT.......we have made such good friends along the years.........that WE WILL learn PLO8 just to see all u guys again.........GO go go......


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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #71 on: February 02, 2014, 14:25:14 PM »
I can see both sides of the coin and personally 2x PLO (although different) is a bit excessive , if it"s a real world team event why not add razz/stud etc to the format. Yes you are going to get teams that say they don"t play either but it"s the worlds for gods sake , there should be as many variants of the game as possible which would make it a true worlds not just NLH


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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2014, 20:46:05 PM »
Could the OP please be updated with the correct start times and game details. It"s confusing people.
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2014, 20:52:52 PM »

(start time on 17th moved to 14:00 to allow teams the opportunity to travel AM on 17th)

Is this still true please?
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Re: WCOAP 2014 Team Championship Discussion Thread
« Reply #74 on: February 05, 2014, 09:37:49 AM »

Could the OP please be updated with the correct start times and game details. It"s confusing people.

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