Author Topic: Starshine's Krimskrams  (Read 7778 times)

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Starshine's Krimskrams
« on: January 13, 2014, 21:44:54 PM »
I thought I start a new blog, as it seems a lot in this year is a new start for me, so why not a new blog as well

So what will my blog be about? Well a lot of things actually

Poker = No moaning bout bad beats, as I hate moaning. I might brag a bit though when I make others cry in their beer, like I did by example in the online knockout cup (where I hope there will be a new one rather sooner than later)

Life - yes it will be a lot about life, sad things, funny things

Goals  - I have, and I do have a lot goals for 2014, like  moving within the Uk (which includes looking for a nice place, setting up the garden the way I want and so on), or taking part in the Cork Street Open Exhibiton Competition (which seems to be a goal for every year lol, but we really need a house first or a bigger flat,as I would need some more space for it), I want to do finally some classes in the London Jewellery School, and well now that I live in England playing live would be nice and meeting some of you would be even nicer.

Things I really, really like or am nearly obsessed with (dont worry there will never be a post about ironing even though i am obsessed with ironing  Wink )  so by example Art (the one i do myself and perhaps artists i like), cooking, baking, music, herbals (well they go probably with gardening), hobbycraft stuff and of course books, i really love reading and have nearly a little library at home

and most likely a few or a lot things i have not mentioned so far

« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 17:58:07 PM by Starshine »


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 21:54:37 PM »
Last week I noticed that I need a Challenge in Poker, sort of
I like playing leagues and stuff but there isn"t much going on at the moment, so I was thinking what else I could do,
I looked around accounts I not use much or seldom lately, to find one where there are freerolls and nothing on my account. Well the only I could find nearly matching this, not being used much was Poker Heaven. I had 1.10 euro on it, not have played there since september or so. So I thought well, 1.10 Euro is pretty close to nothing. I will take this. And my "challenge" is to built up from my 1.10
(Yes I know that this sounds like I am pretty bored lol). So well I started with the freerolls, one is with 1cent rebuy, smallest cash tables (to get raked hands for the weekly 1000gtd, and for the freeroll sat to the sunday tourney), and oh yes played one cooler as well for 1.10 and hooray I am now at 3.52

I am not quite sure how far I want to go with it, so at the moment I set me more a time limit, I will play min of one hour daily (7 hours a week, as I not play daily) and want to see what I have managed to get out of my starting 1.10 at 1st March

Years ago when Chris Ferguson did this challenge on Full Tilt to make 10K from zero, I always thought this would be a nice challenge to do myself. Well not quite to reach 10K out of nothing or nearly nothing, but just doing it for a while and see how it goes.

So far I had fun with it  :)


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 13:56:28 PM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 17:57:35 PM by Starshine »


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 14:48:54 PM »
Why the odd"s kind of hard to read?
“Thor has Mjolnir but I have a banhammer. I think I win”


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2014, 17:55:37 PM »

Why the odd"s kind of hard to read?

Purple is not an odd colour, it is one of my favourite colours,
but just for you dear Paulie  :P I will just do black in future  :D


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 14:50:36 PM »
I just had a phonecall from Germany, the surgery for my friend was today, as for what reason ever they could not do it yesterday, they put him some medicine in the eye to calm it down first.
However today he had two surgerys in one go. First the very important one for saving the retina and stop detachment as it was nearly gone of completely and 2nd for the case he not goes or better stays blind they decided to laser him a new eye lense as he was very short sighted. The surgery went well so far, he is ok, all grumpy like usual lol and was hungry. We do not know yet what with his eye is, it is currently wrapped they will take it off tomorrow where it will show if he can see or not.

Poker: I am still having fun with my silly thing on heaven, and am currently on 5.42 which i find not bad really.  I thought I stay with cash, freerolls, and 1.10 cooler (occassionally) till I have reached 15, than I will change to 2.20 coolers but keep the small cash and freerolls, which I highly enjoy as I can donk around like mad, only have to take care I not do this in proper tourneys or sit and goes I play in other rooms.


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Re: Starshine's Krimskrams
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 21:14:21 PM »
In January I discovered that there is a League on PokerStars, well from Pokerschool online, so from the PokerStars forum.
The Premier Skill League, it is free, goes every month, only has 1500 player allowed, the first 800 qualify automatically for the following month, and the first 500 get prizes. The last gets 20 dollar - the winner 5000 dollar

There are two ways to qualify the open league, with always 10000 players in which is a freeroll where the first 500 of the leaderboard qualify, and the qualifier league which is buy in 1.10 and has far less players in a game - in there only the top 200.

So I thought why not, and tried the qualifier league. There are 6 games a day, which made 168 games overall last month. Due to time I only managed to play 39 games. It had 8191 players. I finished the leaderboard on 154 :-)

And hooray  ;D I got this email today:
Hi plstarshine,

Congratulations on earning your ticket to this month"s Premier Skill League. The ticket is required for entry to the Premier Skill League tournaments.

You can find these events in the PokerStars Poker Room under the Tourney Tab and then Private Tab. The league events will start on the 3rd of the month, and start at 2:00, 8:00, 14:00 and 20:00 ET each day.

Don"t forget to earn at least 20 VPP and finish high in the Premier League (top 800) or the Qualifier League (top 200) this month in order to be awarded a new Premier Ticket for next month.

Please note that you will not be prevented from participating in the Open Skill League tournaments, but your results in those tournaments will not be counted for the Open League leaderboard. All details about our leagues are available at PokerSchool Skill League.

Good Luck at the tables,

The PSO Team

So I look forward to this, I will not have the time to play all 4 games a day, not even daily. But I hope that somehow I manage to finish in the top 500