Author Topic: My most important message for the WCOAP  (Read 5625 times)

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My most important message for the WCOAP
« on: April 14, 2014, 14:46:34 PM »
For those who have reserved a seat via Eventbrite - you MUST have registered/bought-in in full and received a "tournament receipt" from the poker room cash desk AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to the event advertised start time - failure to do this means you seat will be re-allocated.

For those who have bought-in in advance - you MUST have registered and received a "tournament receipt" from the poker room cash desk BEFORE THE END OF THE LATE ENTRY PERIOD - OR BEFORE THE START OF THE EVENT IF NO LATE ENTRY PERIOD - failure to do this means you won"t be entered into the event (NO late entry period for Shootout and Heads Up) and your seat will be re-allocated.

(I"m sure somebody will say that"s two messages!).
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 14:52:01 PM by IrishTom »
Facebook: Tom Brady (Plymouth)
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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 20:38:54 PM »
A case study for the eventbrite situation.

I think my eta at the casino is going to be very much touch and go for the mixed game on Wednesday.  I reckon by the time I get there it"ll be about 1730 - I"ll be pretty pissed off if it"s 1735 and my seat has gone.   In hindsight I should have just bought in from the client, but two weeks was too far away to know exactly what was happening. 

Not an issue if there isn"t a great queue of folk waiting to play, and I know I won"t lose financially (well £2 but that"s no great shakes), but racing to Stratford and then finding out I"m not in when I get there will be frustrating.


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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 23:40:58 PM »
Myself and my mate have reserved seats through Eventbrite for the Mixed event on Wednesday.

I will arrive to Stratford earlier than him so I was wondering if I can buy in for him in case he runs late. Is this possible?


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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 00:15:47 AM »

Myself and my mate have reserved seats through Eventbrite for the Mixed event on Wednesday.

I will arrive to Stratford earlier than him so I was wondering if I can buy in for him in case he runs late. Is this possible?

Afraid not - Aspers will only allow members to buy-in/register for poker events by "swiping" their membership card in person (ie you have to be on the premises) and being given a "tournament receipt" in return - part of their rules/regs.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 00:41:06 AM by IrishTom »
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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 00:21:38 AM »

Myself and my mate have reserved seats through Eventbrite for the Mixed event on Wednesday.

I will arrive to Stratford earlier than him so I was wondering if I can buy in for him in case he runs late. Is this possible?

Afraid not - Aspers will only allow members to buy-in/register for poker events by "swiping" their membership card in person (ie you have to be on the premises) and being given a "tournament receipt" in return - part of their rules/regs.

Ok. Fair enough.

Another question. I have played on Aspers Stratford before but I can"t find my card at the moment. Will this be a problem?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 00:41:29 AM by IrishTom »


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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2014, 00:24:35 AM »

Myself and my mate have reserved seats through Eventbrite for the Mixed event on Wednesday.

I will arrive to Stratford earlier than him so I was wondering if I can buy in for him in case he runs late. Is this possible?

Afraid not - Aspers will only allow members to buy-in/register for poker events by "swiping" their membership card in person (ie you have to be on the premises) and being given a "tournament receipt" in return - part of their rules/regs.

Ok. Fair enough.

Another question. I have played on Aspers Stratford before but I can"t find my card at the moment. Will this be a problem?

Not at all, but you"ll most def have to go to the "casino registration desk" (immediately at the top of the escalator beside the cloak room) and they will give you a duplicate.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 00:42:39 AM by IrishTom »
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Re: My most important message for the WCOAP
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2014, 00:26:48 AM »

Myself and my mate have reserved seats through Eventbrite for the Mixed event on Wednesday.

I will arrive to Stratford earlier than him so I was wondering if I can buy in for him in case he runs late. Is this possible?

Afraid not - Aspers will only allow members to buy-in/register for poker events by "swiping" their membership card in person (ie you have to be on the premises) and being given a "tournament receipt" in return - part of their rules/regs.

Ok. Fair enough.

Another question. I have played on Aspers Stratford before but I can"t find my card at the moment. Will this be a problem?

Not at all, but you"ll most def have to go to the "casino registration desk" (immediately at the top of the escalator beside the cloak room) and they will give you a duplicate.

I thought so.

Thanks for the help mate.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 00:43:07 AM by IrishTom »