Author Topic: Unbalanced limping range in early position  (Read 14748 times)

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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2014, 14:01:16 PM »
Yep, generally agreed that this is not the best.

It came about from a video I watched when a very competent coach suggested it for micro stakes MTT"s.

Interesting discussion though. What do we think of just opening that range? Too wide from EP? Obviously opening all pairs but the rest? I suspect I can open them profitably at these stakes but going to have lots of decisions.


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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2014, 14:22:48 PM »
Worst case scenario, you get to improve your postflop game. I"d be especially careful in level 1 & 2 where we will be called very often.
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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2014, 17:06:34 PM »

Yep, generally agreed that this is not the best.

It came about from a video I watched when a very competent coach suggested it for micro stakes MTT"s.

Interesting discussion though. What do we think of just opening that range? Too wide from EP? Obviously opening all pairs but the rest? I suspect I can open them profitably at these stakes but going to have lots of decisions.

You have a HUD right? Why not filter these hands out and see how you do from various positions?

In a tournament where the standard necessitates that balancing ranges is more important, then occasional opening (i.e. not 100%) could be optimal.

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2014, 19:16:43 PM »
Early position pulled from my database of >100K hands

The green is basically my opening range from EP. Essentially profitable whenever I am opening apart from some small pairs. Have been open mucking AJo, A10o, KJs, etc.

Mid position looks interesting:-

Ranges opening up, pairs and suited connectors not looking that great. Off suit aces beating suited aces ha.

Cut off and button:-


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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2014, 19:45:01 PM »
I know its another discussion but limping small blinds is so sexy these days. Against a good player, I will limp my whole range.

Limping unbalanced if its a fish.

Really think my SB game has improved starting with the above and working from there. Obv adjusting for nits and aggro fish. guys. I used to raise really wide from the SB and just got put in a coffin so often. Love limping.


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Re: Unbalanced limping range in early position
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2014, 15:59:35 PM »
already been said so essentially adding support to some people, but in my opinion ALWAYS open with a raise - it doesn"t really matter what the raise size is between 2-3bb in early stages and max 2-2.2bb in later stages. as long as you raise the same whether you have AA or 56s. personally i minraise throughout as soon as antes are in play. limping or varying yr preflop betsizing is something i love my opponents to do as its very exploitable.