Author Topic: Anyone want a 550e omaha seat in the Regency in dublin Sunday at 3pm 100 quid?  (Read 2100 times)

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  • Bronze Member
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  • Posts: 94
Hello there. I have a seat for a 550e double chance omaha game .The game takes place in the Regency in Dublin at 3pm this Sunday with reg from 1pm . I was going to attend the event but have now hurt my shoulder / arm and am now in  a sling told to rest and am not up to playing the game .I have spoken to Boyle poker at length and they have agreed that I can transfer my seat to someone else. I must do this by 6pm Saturday at the latest .I am looking to recover 100 pounds towards my loss only so if anyone wants the seat please let me know .I would happily take 100 via paypal and the seat is yours . Please respond soon if you want it .Thanks and regards
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 16:24:16 PM by Buffenberger »