No Duke, it really was due to oxygen levels. As you know i do not drink alchoholic beverages. Just wait until your second day, calcified red bullets will fire out your nostrils at the speed of light. You know like a trap door bogie, only...............
Blocked....blocked....blocked.....Fire!!!! Then it just goes on and on, but don"t worry, your not ill.
Just to add, Rob and I went up the Stratosphere and indulged in the rides. Hopefully i"ll get this on youtube and post a link.
My challenge to you is for you and mini you to ride on all three rides, with proof and you will be rewarded.
Have a great and prosperous time Ger.
Rob, these have really been an excellent read, even moreso having been there with you. I hope Laura has returned safe and well. Hopefully with a few stories of her own, that you can exchange over a lovely meal. Thanks again mate.