I did have a long post done for the shooutout/6 max but needless to say as I was completing the final sentence I lost the lot.
Shootout ... got in A7 on a 3456 board vs 33 and lost - the only hand I actually played
6 max - got down to the last 30 - splashed about early, got rewarded doubling AA v JJ, then won a chunk more with

vs KK. With 40 left get a good double up with 97 in the bb, flop 8 6 5. That put me over 70k, then lose 50k next hand AA < Q10. Then last hand, there"s an UTG raise and a call in the sb ( to 3500 at 800/1600), I shove

initial raiser folds, sb calls 44.
Main event - Play as well as I have in a while, picking spots well. Get to a high of 35k at the first break. First 4 hands after the break AK, JJ, AA, KK, lose 5k in those 4 hands with AA losing to KK ( 7 hi flop, KK gets there on the turn). Also have to tank fold JJ on a J8710x board which cost approx 8k. Eventually move tables, then get AA v 42 and lose that at 400/800 leaving 7k back. Double up twice to get back over 30k, then just look for spots on another new table with loads of chips on. Eventually, in the first 10 mins of level 13, find

in early position, shove, get called by QQ, 1st card Q.
Omaha - A good start without playing well, double up with AAxx vs KKxx with the KK very draw heavy, hitting, and then I rehit for a full house. Lose a cooler with approx 23 left, leaving me short with 13k, and get moved tables to sit next to a 300k stack! Found the right spot to get it in, with KKxx, up against Paulie who"d raised the button with AKxx, flop A22 and I"m drawing pretty dead.
HU - Played a very aggro player, and it took me a while to adapt. Dropped to 2.5k, battled back to just above 5k, then 2 key hands, raise A10 and called, flop was Qxx, I c bet and he shoved, so had to fold. Next hand, I get K9, he raises, I shove, he snaps with KK.
A great run in most events, playing for tons of hours, for $0. No return unfortunately, so I owe £50 to the charity, which I will pay on Friday.