I intended as we have have every year to have 2 different games as if one players team runs away with the series then we all have a sweat with the main event..
This is what I thought it was.
I don"t think that much is in doubt though. I thought the first competition included the Main Event, with the second one being just the ME. If that is not the case, then that"s fine, though I"m not sure why there was a debate about the points for the ME in that case, ie whether it counts double and so on. Luckily, it isn"t a close finish and it makes no difference this time round as Rob is either guaranteed to win or already the winner. I guess we"d better clarify the rules though. 
Yes John agree every year we need to tweak the rules, we have had some issues with rules prehaps next year someone who could prehaps volunteer to go through and write up the rules so we are all clear on scoring etc etc

So congratulations to Rob Swindells on winning the series sweat if you can PM me your bank details Rob will ship £80 your way.. I"m sure if you PM Des regarding your £82.50 national ticket I"m sure he will point you in the right direction..
The ME is well under way and the bubble is expected to pop on day 4 so when it does we can start to see who is in the mix for the prize.. Those who have put their faith in a certain Phil Ivey will be hoping he can continue his fantastic start!!
Gl all and many thanks to John for all his hard work in tracking cashes and logging I"m sure we can buy the old fella a beer when we meet next