Author Topic: 2014 Virgin London Marathon  (Read 24705 times)

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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2014, 15:04:06 PM »
Had an incredible visit to the gym today.
Smashing / adding records for fun.
Longest run on a tread mill (was 9 miles)
Longest run ever (was 11 miles)
First ever half marathon 13.2 miles in 2 hrs 12 mins.
new longest run ever 15 miles in 2 hrs 30 mins.
the last 4 miles were hell but no way was I giving in after running so far.
Am paying for it a bit now but have my recovery tights on and sat watching Doc McStuffins with my daughter, life is good.
Please remember that I am doing all this for such a worthy cause
Please donate at
If you are able to donate then please remember to to check the gift aid box so that My charity can also claim 25% back directly from the government.
One last thing, can you please share.
I lied, theres more......
I forgot to say that I had 2 goals for this month, run 15 miles.....check and to be below 15st.....I have lost 7 lbs this week and weigh in at 15st 2lbs, just 3 lbs to get me below 15st for the first time in umpteen years, that will also take my weight loss to over 3st in 4 moths.
11 weeks to the big day.
On the poker front, I can not wait to get to Stoke next week for the Team Championships, I have not played for too long so am expecting to be a bit rusty.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2014, 17:15:49 PM »
Good work Sir, keep it up, very inspiring!

You"d better not be too rusty for Stoke!

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2014, 01:01:12 AM »

Good work Sir, keep it up, very inspiring!

absolute boss...wd mate
TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2014, 22:29:26 PM »
Had an incredible weekend in Stoke with the TeamInTheMuck crew.
Poker went pretty much as bad as it could have but with constant laughter when away from the tables poker was quickly forgotten.
Back to work and back to the gym was hard to do but needs must.
I managed to actually run 2 10kms on tues and wed even though I had to slow my usual pace down to get them done in 59 mins and 57"30"
Thursday I decided to change things a bit and went hard at a 5km, I knocked 90 secs off of my pb and finished in 25mins flat.
I have been suffering with knee pains on my long runs and again I was set back by these ruddy pains.
They hit hard after having to reset the running machine for the 2nd time (theres an hr limit) so I was only able to complete 12 miles.
I had analysis of my running completed yesterday and it seems as though it could be a simple footwear problem, the new trainers are on their way but until they arrive I will have to persevere with what I have.
The positives from today were that I ran 12 miles.
Tried out some energy gels (pretty disgusting) and did not throw up.
The biggest positive is that I now weigh 14st 13lbs, total loss of 3st 1lb.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
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Twitter: DWAAYNE
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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2014, 13:36:48 PM »
I have changed my training plan and diet, I am now eating more to give my body more fuel to hopefully improve my training but with my sore knees and the food poisoning I only trained once this week so when I stood on the scales last night I was a little disappointed to see 15st 9lbs, a 10lb increase in 5 days. Last night I had to miss a friends 50th birthday celebrations as my daughter may have chicken pox and also to prepare for todays Winchester 10km, my first ever road race.
I finished 260th from 478 starters in 51min 40secs.
It was great experience running with almost 500 others.
Due to flooded road closures the route was changed last night and we had to hit some painful hills but this served as a great training run as everything is geared towards the London Martahon in 7 weeks time.
Really really pleased with how it went as I was able to keep a pretty constant pace right through and managed a short sprint over the last 500m overtaking a few more people.
I gave my all today and touch wood have come out of it pretty well, no knee pain and legs feel great, the only pain I have is my feet are very sore, maybe due to over tightened trainers.
Just 7 weeks is insane, so glad that today went so well as I really need to get some huge miles in my legs now.
Please take 1 minute to look at my charity"s home page to see what an incredible cause I am running for:
Please spare what you can and donate at my page:
And lastly please share.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2014, 21:01:19 PM »
After last weeks exertions in the Winchester 10k my legs were a little sore and stiff on the monday, to try to loosen them up I hit the gym for a gentle 5km (30mins).
On tuesday I hit the gym again but did not want to run so did a fitness test on a cross trainer which came back as well above average, sweeeeet.
Wednesday was a rest day but with the amount of walking and carrying of steel I do at work it really is anything of the sort.
Thursday after another hard day at work with a headache all day I was going to miss the gym but after hearing about the usual Bristol traffic debacle I decided to head to to the gym to see if I would feel better once I got there.
I parked up and after napping on and off for 45mins, still a headache so headed back to digs.
Friday I arrive home to a germ filled house with 2 poorly girls
My saturday morning run was put back due to a grizzling daughter and a poorly wife but I did manage to get out early afternoon which worked out well due to the weather warming up.
This running thing really is not getting easier, not even a little.
I hit my planned 8 miles in an hr and 15 mins.
I was fine till 5.5m but then my quads started to get painful and the last mile was hideously hard but I finished.
Hoping that Im not too sore to do it all over again tomorrow.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2014, 00:14:01 AM »
Hello all,

Its been some time since the last update.

Training has been going pretty well but the diet has been indifferent.

I have ran in a few road races to help the training as its so boring running on your own and they have helped so much.

I ran the Winchester 10km in a personal best of 51 mins 40 secs.

The Salisbury 10 miles in an 1 hr 28 mins.

Then the Cranleigh 15/21 where I was hoping for the 21 miles but rough country roads and a bitch of a hill after 13.5 miles put paid to that idea and I completed the 15.1 miles in 2 hrs 20 mins including a half marathon on 2hrs 39 secs.

Last week was the Eastleigh 10km and a new pb of 49 mins and 39 secs.

It is now only 16 days to the big one and I am feeling confident, the next 2 weeks will be tapering down a bit to be as fresh as I can be on the day.

So far I have raised £580 towards my £2500 target for and need all the help you can offer at

Thank you for anything you can spare.

Could you please let your friends know about this as well as Action are doing such good work.
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey


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Re: 2014 Virgin London Marathon
« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2014, 20:56:42 PM »
omw! 6 days to go.
Actually very excited now, just need to get the next 2 days of work out of the way and then I can really start to get fully ready.
Headed to Eton Dorney on saturday for a 20km race, finished in an hr and 46 mins which I was very pleased with seeing as last week I was full of cold and could not train, still felt rough saturday morning but got it done.
Was very sore today as it was my 2nd longest road run.
Heading to gym tomorrow for last time before sunday for an easy 5km then its carb loading mmmmmmm doughnuts.
Running total now at £850 so thank you to all that have donated so far, for those that have not, please go to to read through my journey so far and for a link to my charity to see what a worthwhile cause I am putting myself through all this pain for.
Thank you
2013 APAT Wembley Masters 2nd
2013 APAT Cardiff Cash Tour 1st
2013 Season 7 Cash Tour 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European PLO8 1st
2014 Season 8 APAT European  NLHE (side event) 2nd
2016 Season 9 WCOAP online Turbo NLHE 1st
Twitter: DWAAYNE
Skype: Dwayne Stacey