Author Topic: Duke attempts the Impossible  (Read 1461748 times)

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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #120 on: January 18, 2009, 13:56:05 PM »


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #121 on: January 18, 2009, 15:00:15 PM »
Captain chaos that made me lol cheers Ger, great memories and i look forward to our next trip ;D (great read this by the way Ger keep it going)


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #122 on: January 18, 2009, 17:00:12 PM »
I have just caught up and read the last 6 pages of this.  Consequently, the other occupants of my hospital ward, and their visitors, have been staring and tut-tutting as I cry with laughter.

Fantastic read, bad etiquette to laugh out loud in a ward of septugenarians.....

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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #123 on: January 18, 2009, 17:03:26 PM »
Ger, enjoying these all so much, vegas sounded an absolute blast and as for your da, LOL the stories just have me chuckling.
Mary Kivlin


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #124 on: January 19, 2009, 18:43:30 PM »


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #125 on: January 19, 2009, 18:57:24 PM »
My sister Noreen has spent all her life in England and was married to an Englishman, Dave, who sadly passed away 2 years ago last Christmas. Now Dave was a good man, if a bit headstrong and he always had a strong opinion of things.  At this point in time he was an avid fisherman. He was one of those people who when they took up something they bordered on obsessive at that discipline and of course knew all about it. Well, he arrived over on holiday one summer with all his fishing gear and wanted to know where the best fishing was. Now I am not a great fishing man but I knew of a great lake in which to fish.

 Lough Bridget

So before they arrived I went over to see Jack Kelly to ask his permission to fish in his lake as he owned all the land around it and might take exception if I didn't ask. He never refused, but always liked to be asked.

I took Dave past it on the first day so he would know the way and we stopped outside Jack's house which overlooked the lake. Dave got out of the car and looked studiously at the lake and declared that the best place to fish was over on the far side. Now not being a fisherman I had no clue why he said that and suggested that we ask Jack himself for advice as he had fished this lake all his life and had a B&B where fishermen would stay and he would obviously know the good spots.

"No way" says Dave "I know just by looking at the position of the reeds and the contours of the shore where the good spots are"
"Wouldn't do any harm to ask" says I
"No way" says Dave.

Dave left very early the following morning for the lake and I again suggested that he ask Jack about the lake before he started as Jack would be up for the cows anyway. 

It was around lunch time and I thought I would go along and see how he was doing. I pulled up outside Jack's house and there was Jack leaning on the gate puffing away at his pipe surveying the lake. I joined him at the gate and spotted Dave on the far side under his umbrella surrounded by rods of varying size.

"Alright Ger" says Jack
"Aye, you" says I
"Aye" says he and we lapsed into comfortable silence drinking in the peace and tranquillity of the scene.

After about 10 minutes..

"He'll never catch a fish over there" says Jack
"Oh, why not" says I
"My Da told me that there are fierce spring over that side with some sort of natural shiite and no fish are ever found there" says Jack
"Oh" says I "and what time did he arrive this morning"
"About 6 hours ago" says Jack
"Does he know about the springs" says I
"No idea" says Jack
"Were you not talking with him this morning" says I
"Aye, just before he set off for the other side I was bringing the cows in and we had a chat, he knows a lot about fishing, never shut up" says Jack
"Did you not think to mention the springs" says I
"He never asked" says Jack innocently "You going to tell him"
"Nah" says I "Fancy a pint Jack"
"Aye" says Jack.

I did mention it to Dave that night and do you know what, he didn't see the funny side.

Great characters and times -- priceless


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #126 on: January 19, 2009, 20:53:09 PM »

Current tale.  A Lad in our village, his name is Donie.  He has a decent newish car, but he also has an ancient VW Beetle.  It doesn"t have brakes.  Well, it has a hand brake that works, but the pedal brake...not so much.  Anyway, occasionally he"ll drive it to the village for his pints.  Parks the VW where the mood strikes him.  He never drives home after drink, so that car could easily be left in the same spot for a week or more as he has back up in the other "newer car". 

Last week he parked it in our friend"s driveway.  No word.  No "hello" or "do you mind?".  Just park and gone.  Soooooooooo, yesterday we were at Junior and Margaret"s house when the VW was brought up.  In a mad fit of giggles and without saying a word, the lot of us tore running outside with one hide his car. 

Junior and Margaret had a garage up to this summer.  They left the front wall and rolling garage door, but took off the roof and rear wall to open their yard in the back a bit.  As far as the rest of the world is concerned...they still have a garage.  Me in the driver"s seat to control the hand brake (in case it threatened to roll down the hill of their driveway), Junior and Timothy (my husband) in the rear pushing the VW into the "garage".  Thing is, as we didn"t have the keys, I couldn"t steer her in.  The wheel locked when I tried.  So the Lads had to stop now and then, lift the front of the car to re-position it and off we"d go again.    

Donie showed up today looking for his car.  "What are you on about Donie?  Yer having me on.  You collected it yesterday while we were out." says Margaret.  He and his brother drove the whole of the village looking for his car today.  They even offered a reward to the local kids if they found his car. 

Keeping in mind, the same fecker would run this joke for as long as he could, we haven"t let him in on it yet.  However, we"ve been bit in the backside.  Turns out it"s considered a vintage car.  When he phoned the insurance company, they told him he"ll receive "X" amount compensation for it provided he reports it to the Garda straight away.  "X" amount happens to be a heck of a lot more than the thing is actually worth in anyone"s eyes.  So of course he"s phoned them. 

We"re just now heading off to Junior and Margaret"s to push the feckin thing back out onto the open driveway with intentions of pretending we know nothing of how it got there or where it"s been.  It"s dark.  It"s cold.  There"s snow, ffs.  But off we go...hoping not to get caught in the act.  Sigh.  GG WP


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #127 on: January 19, 2009, 20:58:05 PM »
lmao -- sigh -- homesickness breaking out


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #128 on: January 19, 2009, 23:10:22 PM »
Update - Car in previous position and we weren"t caught doing it. 

Well not entirely true... 

If you count the old busy body across the road who got a mad notion to "clean" her windows for the 10 minutes were were at it, her windows are spotless and we"re caught raw.  Suppose the fits of laughter gave us away. 

On the plus side...Donie is gutted because he won"t be able to claim "X" amount from the insurance company now.  Reckon he already had it spent in his head. 

Game set and match.


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #129 on: January 20, 2009, 11:59:15 AM »
Now you might think that my father was a heartless bar steward. Nothing could be further from the truth, he was a strong man with strong values and was not swayed easily. However if I was ever in trouble, and believe it or not I was a couple of times, he would weigh in with all guns firing to sort the problem.

He would only ever say things once. He told me never to go near the cooker when I was little, I did, once, and still bear the burn on my wrist nearly 50 years later. However I never went near it again (except to cook of course).

My mother entreated him to teach me to swim. He threw me in the river and my mother went ballistic as I struggled to the far bank.

"Shut up woman, he can now swim" says he

We had a mutual appreciation society going on and although he never said it to my face he was as proud as punch when I started playing Senior Rugby and would sneak in to watch me. Never one to say "well done" but if he never said the opposite you could take it as a compliment.

He also didn't agree with my first marriage.. I should have listened to him but  that's for later.

He died in 1985 and his wake was the best ever and his manner of passing is a story that whilst of course sad was indicative of the man he was. I need to get it right not just for the readers of these poor ramblings but for myself as well .. To be continued...


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #130 on: January 20, 2009, 12:14:02 PM »


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #131 on: January 20, 2009, 13:19:24 PM »
I was living in a neighbouring village, married to she who cannot be named and was fast asleep when the doorbell rang. Now no one knocks on your door at that hour unless it's bad news. I got up and opened the door to find my Uncle Dex standing there.

"I have bad news Ger" says he

Well my immediate thought was that it was my mother because the ould lad was a rock who was impregnable.

"Your father is dead, found a small while ago" says he
"I'll be right behind you" says I

I overtook him about a mile outside the village driving like a lunatic, why I don't know, I wasn't going to change anything. I pulled up outside the house and tore into the kitchen to find my mother sitting there surround by half the professional wailers in the village. We hugged and had a bit of inane conversation, well what do you say.

Anyway I took her aside to ask what happened in private and she was holding up very well.

"What happened" says I
"Well your father got up to go to the toilet and when he didn't come back I went to look for him" says she
"I found him sitting on the toilet, dead"

Well God forgive me I looked at my mother and she looked at me and we had a little giggle. The mourners were looking at us with distain, but to me that helped at the time. Trust the ould lad to die whilst having a crap...

We adopted a more somber form of decorum and went back amongst the wailers and thought good thoughts..

to be continued.........


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #132 on: January 21, 2009, 17:33:28 PM »


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #133 on: January 21, 2009, 22:28:33 PM »
Now when tragedy strikes you have a lot of communicating to do, we had family all over the place and it was up to me to ring them and tell them. The first were obviously my sisters and people all over Ireland and the rest of the civilised world (and some in some pretty uncivilised places) so I went to the phone. Now we did not have a dial phone at the time you pressed a button and were connected to the exchange in scarriff. . Anyway Anne Maloney was on the exchange that morning.

"Number please" says she
"I have a few Anne" says I
"Oh is something wrong" says she
"Yes" says I "my father passed away this morning
"Oh I am so sorry" says she "Give me all the numbers and I will ring them and connect you when I get an answer"

Technology eh -- who needs it sometimes .......................


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Re: Duke attempts the Impossible
« Reply #134 on: January 22, 2009, 12:48:05 PM »
Keep em coming!!!