Chezger hit Blackpool for the £200 freezeout in the G. Myself and Dan were to set off at 11ish when I noticed a text from RichEO sying his car was kaput. So we took a little detour via Manchester to pick up the man who hasn"t seen daylight for at least a year.
We arrived in Blackpool parked the car at the Casino, booked into a B&B and sauntered back to the Casino. The plan was to stay sober for the 3pm comp.
"What you having" -- "Carona NFL" --- ooops fk my life
Anyway the comp had £15k starting chips and a 45 minute clock, good structure.
Remember there were three of us in the car, and we ended up in seats 3 4 5 on the same table after discussing our personal strategies & tactics on the way u - fk my life

Anyway we plugged away with RichEO as usual building his chip stack steadily -- the man is good. After 3 levels I was still on 15k, grinding or what. Dan had a couple of runs and was sitting on 40k -- two hands later (10 10 v A K - K on river) (77 v 99 to a 5 card flushed board and no club) he was out. After 7 hours I was on 20k -- call me the grinder from now on, I"m tighter than a ducks arse...
It"s easy poker then with blinds 1k 2k it was all in or fold -- allin with A J - man dwells for a while and calls with QQ I go out in 12th -- what was he waiting for, christmas - fk my life
RichEO is still in (he went a little later) so with a complete disregard to our own needs, myself and Dan decide to do a little recco on behalf of the APAT forum trip in July. We visited various "entertainment" establishments and have a short list drawn up.
We left Sunday morning in order to drop RichEO (out of tourney up in cash - he runs good) and the frigging wipers packed in and it was pissing down - fk my life.
I stopped at the side of the motorway and RichEO gets out and fixes the wipers. Well he pulled the passanger one so far to the left it stuck on door jam. Well at least the driver one was still working.
We dropped RichEO off and Dan says "I"ll sort it these wipers - I know a thing or two about cars" - BANG - fuse gone and no wipers at all -- fk my life
Called my favourite organisation, the AA "Hi my name is Duke and I"m an eejit"
AA man fixed it and off we go, two miles later it"s packs in again... Oh well I had a good time
Good friends - good spot -- great life -- priceless.