We sauntered around town and had a few drinks and with every drink Denis got braver. The wee girl arrived on the scene and was accompanied by her friend, a rather cute brunette by the way. Anyway all the fears were banished and we had a great night.
We retired to the hotel and Denis had told me he was taking her up to the room and I was to make myself scarce. Fair enough, the brunette was warming to my charms anyway.
The next couple of hours are

but it was very enjoyable. Anyway I woke up at around 7am and I was in bad need of a shower and all my gear was in the other room. I thought that because the owners daughter had an early shift she would be up and gone and if she wasn't who gives a feck.
I found my way to the hotel and climbed the stairs, nodding to the owner who was cleaning the bar area.
"Where's your friend" says he
"Oh he went to bed early" says I (getting a virtual kick)
I reached the door and gave a discreet tap. No reply so I gave it a right rap and heard a noise come from within, much whispered voices and a crashing sound. Well I tried the handle and the door opened and I saw the wee girl still in the bed with the blankets held up to her neck.
"Thank God" says she "I thought it was me Da"
"Where's Denis" says I
She pointed to the window
I went across and looked out and there he was legging it up the road in the morning light as naked as the day he was born.
"I'd better go get him" says I
"I'd better dress" says she laughing