Author Topic: S8 Live Tour Discussion Thread  (Read 106872 times)

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« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2014, 14:17:17 PM »
Devils advocate or not, Stu makes a valid point.

The Irish events have, in the past few years, been poorly supported.

This is NOT the fault of the Irish contingent but it is a fact, I think, we should bear in mind.

Perhaps it is a reflection of the offerings already available or something else.

Differentiating this year is, to my mind, a good thing.

I do understand the reactions of the very loyal Irish players but how upset would they have been if APAT had NOTHING for them this year... And that was the other option.
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« Reply #91 on: May 19, 2014, 15:12:02 PM »

I do understand the reactions of the very loyal Irish players but how upset would they have been if APAT had NOTHING for them this year... And that was the other option.

I"ve had my say on this, as I do ;D

One last point though. I really see no logical explanation for the persistent contention....

PLO main event or Nothing

We"ve made a bold but informed decision towards independent operator hotel based event, that imho is sufficient to rescue the decline.

I would expect Larry Santo to be extremely diligent in promoting this event and I"m sure if asked he would definitely advise that a Holdem game is much more likely to be successful.

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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #92 on: May 19, 2014, 15:16:23 PM »
I can only refer you to Mr Duffy"s comments...

Truth is, we"ve failed to deliver a significant event in Ireland over the past two to three years and I had actually told the guys to pull the leg this year, for the reason that I felt it important to simplify the overall schedule and commit to delivering the events we were focusing on, to a higher quality. 

I"ve always wanted to do a big Irish event and felt that S9 would be the time to do it, when we hadn"t so many other projects to work on like merging our websites etc, as we do this year.

When Tom came back with an Irish event with a difference - PLO, in a hotel setting by the airport, and with the support of an Irish promoter, then I was happy to see it included.  To make the event stand out on the Irish calendar it needed a point of difference - hence the decision to go with PLO. 

Time will tell whether that was a bad decision or not, but I"m sure we had to do something bold to give us a chance of gaining some traction in Ireland after a pretty lean time of late.
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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #93 on: May 19, 2014, 15:35:04 PM »
We need some sort of rule here.

There can only be one Devils Advocate per thread.  Once someone posts, making that claim, then they have the position for the remainder of the thread.

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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #94 on: May 19, 2014, 15:35:45 PM »
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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #95 on: May 19, 2014, 15:41:53 PM »

We need some sort of rule here.

There can only be one Devils Advocate per thread.  Once someone posts, making that claim, then they have the position for the remainder of the thread.

Making a post which has the potential to be perceived as the poster claiming Devils Advocate does not count unless the poster does actually state their claim for the position.

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For players looking to satellite into a Devils Advocate position, details will be posted shortly.


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #96 on: May 19, 2014, 16:26:04 PM »

We need some sort of rule here.

There can only be one Devils Advocate per thread.  Once someone posts, making that claim, then they have the position for the remainder of the thread.

Making a post which has the potential to be perceived as the poster claiming Devils Advocate does not count unless the poster does actually state their claim for the position.

Should a member wish to claim the Devils Advocate position prior to a thread going up, they can do so from the APAT Homepage for a non-refundable booking fee of £5.  This right cannot be transferred via the seat exchange board, and should the member not claim their Devils Advocate position on the relevant thread when posted within 30 minutes, then the position becomes available on a first come, first served basis.

Anyone wishing to put their name down on the alternates list for the position of Devils Advocate may do so once a thread is posted, but if your name is called and you are not on the thread, then unfortunately, the APAT management reserves the right to offer the position to the next name on the alternate list.

For players looking to satellite into a Devils Advocate position, details will be posted shortly soon.



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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #97 on: May 19, 2014, 16:53:26 PM »

We need some sort of rule here.

There can only be one Devils Advocate per thread.  Once someone posts, making that claim, then they have the position for the remainder of the thread.

Making a post which has the potential to be perceived as the poster claiming Devils Advocate does not count unless the poster does actually state their claim for the position.

Should a member wish to claim the Devils Advocate position prior to a thread going up, they can do so from the APAT Homepage for a non-refundable booking fee of £5.  This right cannot be transferred via the seat exchange board, and should the member not claim their Devils Advocate position on the relevant thread when posted within 30 minutes, then the position becomes available on a first come, first served basis.

Anyone wishing to put their name down on the alternates list for the position of Devils Advocate may do so once a thread is posted, but if your name is called and you are not on the thread, then unfortunately, the APAT management reserves the right to offer the position to the next name on the alternate list.

For players looking to satellite into a Devils Advocate position, details will be posted shortly.


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #98 on: May 19, 2014, 16:59:57 PM »

We need some sort of rule here.

There can only be one Devils Advocate per thread.  Once someone posts, making that claim, then they have the position for the remainder of the thread.

Making a post which has the potential to be perceived as the poster claiming Devils Advocate does not count unless the poster does actually state their claim for the position.

Should a member wish to claim the Devils Advocate position prior to a thread going up, they can do so from the APAT Homepage for a non-refundable booking fee of £5.  This right cannot be transferred via the seat exchange board, and should the member not claim their Devils Advocate position on the relevant thread when posted within 30 minutes, then the position becomes available on a first come, first served basis.

Anyone wishing to put their name down on the alternates list for the position of Devils Advocate may do so once a thread is posted, but if your name is called and you are not on the thread, then unfortunately, the APAT management reserves the right to offer the position to the next name on the alternate list.

For players looking to satellite into a Devils Advocate position, details will be posted shortly.


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #99 on: May 19, 2014, 17:36:11 PM »
I am going to Dublin, what are they playing again  ;D


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #100 on: May 19, 2014, 17:39:45 PM »
I think the schedule is an excellent "back to basics" Season 8.

Regarding "Irishgate", I strongly believe and trust in Brendan"s understanding and knowledge of the Irish poker scene.  I also believe in Tom's discussions with an Irish promoter to support the event.  Perhaps if the two could get together and have a chat about the event, then the best solution would find it"s way into the schedule.

Nothing other than the venue and dates will be set in stone yet for that event, so let"s do what APAT do best.  Discuss, listen and adapt where appropriate.

I think it"s great that the Season 8 venues are mostly different to those used in Season 7, now, if only the same could be said for the players.

Wouldn"t it be great if every APATer that was planning on playing an event this season could find the time to talk about APAT to someone new.  Someone who may have an interest in poker, but not played a live event before.  Maybe let them know about how they could satellite into an event, or just pick an event and go as a group.

Yes the poker scene has changed, and perhaps gone are the days of a new player turning up to an APAT event with it being their first live event, with very little online experience, with a crib sheet so they don"t forget the hand rankings, but we"ve all been there at some point in our poker lives, and when I listen to people say that "It"s not like the old days", I think a lot of that is down to the need for new faces, and for the old faces to lead the way and welcome people with a smile.

I think it all gets a little too serious at times.  Yeah, there is money at stake.  And there"s the shiny medals and ranking bragging points, but APAT always used to be about being the best place for new players to play live because they"d get treated with a proper welcome.

I won"t forget my first APAT event.  Initially sat on a table with Alistair "Ironside" Fowler who wouldn"t shut up, and then got moved to another table with a bloke to my left who reminded me of Jim from the Royal Family. (Priceless)

It"s an old school tour, with none of your expensive overseas trips and cash tours that often scare the hell out of new players.  Pick a venue, get a seat, turn up and play.

Exactly how it should be.


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #101 on: May 19, 2014, 18:05:12 PM »
There was some talk a couple of years ago of APAT playing some events at hotels. This has some advantages and allows the possibility of packages being negotiated, but means having to organise dealers, chips, etc. Having an external promoter would seem to be a way of doing it. I wonder whether it is a likelihood for future tournaments in the UK (or abroad).

I kind of wish it wasn"t at an airport hotel, though. It"s obviously very convenient for the players, but it means that a lot, probably most, will never leave the airport to visit the city, so might as well be playing anywhere.
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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #102 on: May 19, 2014, 18:30:23 PM »
I am pretty sure there will be a large contingent of Newbies for the Leeds leg from our neck of the woods :)
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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #103 on: May 19, 2014, 18:34:52 PM »

I am pretty sure there will be a large contingent of Newbies for the Leeds leg from our neck of the woods :)

Crikey, they"ll be after Yorkshire Group Discount next ;)


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Re: APAT Season 8 Discussion Thread
« Reply #104 on: May 19, 2014, 18:36:52 PM »
I went to a stag do in Leeds once.  Went to watch the cricket, then out on the town.  There was a nightclub which had a revolving dance floor.

Pure entertainment for the night just watching people trying to get on and off the dance floor.

Any locals know of this place and can remind me of it"s name ?