The great biccy debate has raged for enternity, well a while now.....
You"re both wronger than a wrong thing. The truth will be outed, like the bright blade of thunder, like an avalache of noise......
Hobb Nobbs are the best!Great for dunking (just like the ginger nut)(or for sucking milk through)!
And you can eat a whole pack without feeling even a bit guilty about not sharing.
Others that get a notable mention are the gariboldi (spelling not my strong point)
The ever humble Rich Tea. You can have a fun game whilst dunking them, seeing how long you can dunk without in breaking off into your cup.
And the Cow biscuits. Which have different pictures of famous cows on them. (like
Cow-as-aki, Bull-dozer. To name but a few)
Which brings me back to biscuits, and there are some very nice biccies today, but do you remember the likes of lemon puffs? Mmmm!! or the small biccies with cream and a little jam inside(can"t recall their name).
Do you mean The Jammy Dodger. Yeah they"re not bad.
Protector of Elkes,
Defender of Foxes
and all round good guy.....

P.S. You"ve got Lithium.....SHARE i say, share!!!!
.....They"re coming take me away haha.....