Author Topic: The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob do Coventry...  (Read 3791 times)

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The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob do Coventry...
« on: July 18, 2007, 20:06:34 PM »
Last night TW(iC)M (APAT members all) made the 1 hour journey to the brand new Isle Casino, at the Ricoh Stadium. The target of this foray into the hinterlands of Coventry was the £30 D/C Freezeout. We all thought that Aspers in Newcastle was probably nicest UK casino that we had ever been in... well, in my opinion, The Isle has re-raised the bar... very, very nice!

During our pre-match team talk, in the bar, myself and Rich were joined by Daniel (kinboshi), who joined in with our last minute tactics and strategy discussion... me & Daniel decided it was best to stick with what we know best - Guiness - while Rich felt the caffiene rush provided by a Coke was probably the best preparation. Paul, meanwhile, was continuing his ongoing research to determine if the Blackjack Gods and the Poker Gods really are one and the same.

A total of 60 players started in the tourney, a little after the scheduled start time of 9:00pm, and me, Paul and Daniel all managed to get drawn on the same table... leaving Rich to plough a lone furrow through the field.

I"m afraid the effects of just 2 1/2 hrs sleep since Sunday night have taken their toll and I really don"t remember too much detail of the actual tournament... I know Daniel got moved off of our table and then a little while later was bidding us farewell.

Rich continues to be punished by the Poker Gods for some heinous crime in a former life, as he exited without bothering the cashier, while myself and Paul made it through to the final table. Paul"s demise came when I raised it up with QQ, on his BB... he woke up (literally!) with 99 and re-raised all-in... I call, my queens hold up and Paul exits in 7th place, for £60 (I think). To cut a (very) long story short, at about 3:45am, we are down to the last three... we are all pretty much level in chips, a deal is agreed and we chop the remaining prize money and take £400 each.

Home and in bed by about 5:15am... up for work at 6:30am. Doh!!  :(

All in all, a nice tournament, in a very nice poker room, in (for the most part) very pleasant company... We will return!!

The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob -
Alan Lake, APAT (Online) South American Champion
Paul Townsend, 3rd APAT Irish Amateur Poker Championship, Dublin
Rich Stevenson, 18th APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship, Newcastle

with special guest appearance by -
Daniel Philips, 1st APAT English Amateur Poker Championship, Birmingham
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Re: The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob do Coventry...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2007, 20:32:45 PM »
Nice report Alan and good to see a quality new venue being added to the UK scene.  What were they charging as a registration fee on top of the £30?  

Also nice to see APAT players beginning to feature in the outstanding hendon mob database.  We"ve done quite a bit of work with the mob to ensure all of our events are covered and it is extremely easy to while away an hour there, running through the wealth of information on past and present events worldwide.


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Re: The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob do Coventry...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2007, 21:11:14 PM »

Nice report Alan and good to see a quality new venue being added to the UK scene.  What were they charging as a registration fee on top of the £30?  

Hi Des,

Suprisingly there is currently no juice on their tourneys!  :o

At the moment they are all self deal... house dealer on FT. I believe they intend to recruit/train dealers for their tournaments, I suspect that they will start charging if/when they provide dealers.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.


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Re: The Witney (inc. Carterton) Mob do Coventry...
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2007, 07:24:46 AM »
See - - for the same story, from a different perspective.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.