21 teams have paid..
So if the full quota has not settled up by deadline, how many reserves are APAT going to contact? and how long will they have to pay?
Also as this event is vastly over subscribed each year, will the teams that dont pay by deadline (if any) be penalised next year if they ask to play.
I would get ours paid up, have the money here, but I havnt received any emails as Im aware from posts on here that other captains have, I have sent pm"s and also emails to Tom but still no reply.
If possible could you pm me and i will provide my email address, could you kindly forward the captains info on please?
I have deleted my emails.. But very simple, download the Coral poker software if you have not already got, if not there is a link on home page.. Once installed you need to deposit the funds into your acc £440, then click on the Coral exclusive tab, scroll down to APAT and you will see the holding tank there, check filters click high buy in..
The email also was asking for you to post your squad and the players attending on appropriate thread, and reminding about attending with appropriate team kit..
Good luck see you in Manchester..