Hey guys,
As August has become somewhat hectic for me, i have reduced the schedule to the following:
Tuesday - Goliath day 1 - £100+20
Tuesday - Win the Button - £75+8
Ive added the second event as a bit of a day saver, so that if the Goliath goes somewhat wrong, the trip is not wasted and we can still ship some monies in the same day
If i make day 2, then the WTB game shall be refunded, or we can play another event or something that the investors choose.
So, numbers.
Total Buyins: £203
Total Juice: 1.1
Total Cost: £223
Selling 30%
30% - £66.90
10% - £22.30
5% - £11.15
mylesfdo, Big Club and RoyalPokerFlush all have first refusal, as they purchased a % in my August Pokers that ive had to cancel.
Anyone interested just state how much and if free it"ll pass down tthe line line