it was in the norweigen open at dusk till dawn. i had

in small blind.
big blind had td ad
its passed round i raise 400 where the blinds are 50/100 big blind flat calls

i start singing inside me head, ow happy days owwwww happppppy days lol i check, he fires out 1300 i take the normal 2 mins and flat call?
turn :

: no help. i check again, he bets out 2725 ( nice odd amount ) at this stage i put in a small raise 2725 with 2725 at this stage it was an insta im all in and from me an insta call he said i flopped the nuts, i said no i flopped the nuts, av u got ace queen, ace king ov diamonds, ace ten comes the reply hes like hmmmmm u ay flopped the straight flush have ya...... river jd i had to go to the toliet, i was sooooo sick. online i could understand, but live...... soooooo sick i was!
what are your thoughts on that 1 theres a free night ov drinks in blackpool if some 1 has had a worse bad beat than that in a live game. gladiator