Just joined, I will be playing in the team event on the 19th & 20th.
Hope to meet some of you there and have a chat with some of you.
I will be playing for UKPL.
If you are interested in knowing more about me you can visit my site at
Any players local to me are more than welcome to enter any games.
I am on UKPL and AWOP every day, now I will be visiting APAT every day as well,
Just a bit more about myself,
I have had in the last 2 months 3 what I call big wins (might not be big to you)
$1000 on DTD Head hunter ($2 entry, won through satellite)
$1200 on DTD Head hunter ($3 entry, won through satellite)
$600 on DTD mtt ($2 entry)
As you can see I only play small stakes, the money is not important, I just
love playing and learning.
That"s the money games but the biggest wins to me are
Last week I won the AWOP league to win a seat to the Virgin Poker Festival.
Couple of months ago a won the inter forum challenge individual league
I think there were 5 or 6 forums taking part.
Won season 2 league on UKPL.
I class these as bigger wins than the money ones.
I was going to post this in the bragging section but I am f***ed if I can find it,