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General rant
« on: August 13, 2008, 00:19:57 AM »
Now my motto is NO BAD BEATS, but this is just a rant about bad play.

I don"t play much online at the moment, mainly due to broadband connection issues and preference for live play.  However I decided to play the $70k guaranteed $10 rebuy on pokerstars tonight and wanted to share the following 2 hands with you (well more to get them off my chest really).

Well into the knockout stage I am in decent shape having just doubled up with QQ vs A7.  I am in mid position with 2 limps in front holding 66, I limp for 200 and 2 others call behind, SB makes up, BB checks.  7 players see a K62 flop (2 spades).  I know I am ahead and am lovin the bet in front of me.  Wary of the flush draw and with players behind I put in a good raise and immediately get min re raised behind.  Then the SB moves all in, original raiser folds and I insta call leaving me only 3k back.  Min raiser also calls but we both have him covered.  Min has A7 spades for nut flush draw, big all in matey has 84 spades (!!!!!), brilliant I think he has 2 of his outs.  "PAIR THE BOARD", I shout at the screen over and over again, this is a big pot to win.  Turn is the 5c and I assume I will get done by a spade on the river.  River is 7h.....  84 guy has hit runner runner straight to crack my set.  He knocks out nut flush guy and I am down to 3k.  Now I believe in poker that you pay your money and take your chance and therefore can play your cards how you like.  But I hate his play with a very weak flush draw.  Mr nut flush and myself are obviously going knowhere, but for 84 to make that play and hit his only outs to win is so sick...

Anyway I pick up AA and KK in quick sucesssion and manage to double up each time and I am back in the game.  Then I go card dead and blind down to only 6,000 with blinds 400-800 with 50 ante.  All fold to me on button with QJ, no brainer push all in for my last 6k.  SB & BB both cover me but cannot call 6k without a hand.  SB quickly calls and I fear AQ (I want him to have AK or TT rather than AQ or AJ), BB then re raises all in and I know I am in trouble.  SB pauses and finally calls.  So its QJ vs AT (SB) vs A7 (BB !!!!!!!!!!!!).  What?  I am actually in good shape against 2 players and have been given a lifeline to triple up.  Again you play your own cards but the A7 re raise when I am all in is just so so bad.  I don"t mind the SB call with AT as my pushing range on the button is huge, but when it gets re popped it is an easy fold (as the BB must have a monster to re raise when I am already all in, surely???).  Board comes 763K3 and A7 knocks us both out, sick...

What gets at me the most is that poker has rewarded the bad play in both hands.  Now I know that this is just poker and that in the long run the bad players get what they deserve and al that other stuff but it still got to me.

Anyway rant over.


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Re: General rant
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 07:10:44 AM »
Ouch and ouch again!

Nodding along as i read your post. Things like that make you shout at the screen,"i"m never playing this sh1t again!"
(but we do) ;)

Remember.....its just a game!!!!


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Re: General rant
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 09:11:51 AM »
Don"t get me started!
European Online Silver Medalist 2009
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Re: General rant
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 10:05:43 AM »
"Running hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."  Ann Trason


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Re: General rant
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2008, 02:15:43 AM »
Posted by: ThinkerJE
What gets at me the most is that poker has rewarded the bad play in both hands.  Now I know that this is just poker and that in the long run the bad players get what they deserve and al that other stuff but it still got to me.

your experience of this thinkerje is a chance to learn and incorporate new plays into your game eg - 66 fold it or raise it and take control of the pot. When you are card dead are there plays or situations you can get heads up and bluff in position to maintain your chip stack ?? [observing opponents bet patterns , are they raising a lot do they Cont Bet to much,could you take advantage in position ?]  This is chance now to develop your reading skills and go beyond playing your cards and play your opponents cards instead  
If you are in PXF [pokerxfactor - free sign up] you can look at public hand histories, you will find it very intresting if you look at annette_15 its marked up 180 man sng mtt playing blind you"ll be amazed at what is possible if you get a read on your opponents , of course she gets lucky in some situations you got to playing blind :)
but for 2/3 of this mtt she hardly has a showdown. Also google betting patterns in poker and there is some articles to get you thinking.. [weak bets at flop check turn,
raise pre-flop bet flop check turn AK?? or 2 overcards that have missed common there] if you have position on them you bet them off on the flop or turn , floating is a option. Just some thoughts to hopefully get you thinking about your game.