We have a few entry methods...out primary one is through Coral poker"s online site.
We open a "holding tank" "tournament" which you buy into. The tournament as such doesn"t run...instead the funds are transferred to the casino as buy-ins.
Alternatively, one can satellite in, also on Coral poker.
An alternative option is to reserve a seat using EventBrite. There is a charge for this but the "upside" is that you don"t have to pay upfront...your seat is held until you buy-in at the venue on the day.
For an example briefing see -
http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=17013.0We haven"t full details of what the arrangements will be but I expect Tom to put the finishing touches in place when we gets back from Dublin after the IPO.
In your case, I would expect that you could buy in using Coral Poker and we can handle the name switch on request.
As I said, until the final arrangements are known it"s hard to be exact...watch this space.