Author Topic: WPT 500 @ DTD  (Read 13592 times)

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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2014, 14:34:40 PM »
Level 3.

Ave 32k we have ~45k

Blinds 75/150/25
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2014, 15:05:28 PM »
glgl  keep some updates coming!


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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2014, 15:24:16 PM »
Back to 32k

Lost AK v 55 on AK5 vs shorty and then limp 4b AA and got 3 callers
Had to fold on KKQ flop
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2014, 16:42:27 PM »
Run better please!  :)


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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2014, 21:40:57 PM »

Run better please!  :)

Must be keeping it all quite, according to the DTD Website 1D has 162 runners and hes not on the bust list with 70 players left.


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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2014, 22:01:02 PM »

Run better please!  :)

Must be keeping it all quite, according to the DTD Website 1D has 162 runners and hes not on the bust list with 70 players left.

Bust 66


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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2014, 01:17:24 AM »
A slighty more detailed update on the days play.

All in all, a pretty **** table draw for the whole day, seeing me having to play OOP to the likes of Nick Hicks (ISPT Fame), Ben Vinson (Online sicko), Mitch Johnsen (DTD reg) and some solid online kid i dont know the name off....also had Aaron Lighthouse? (22 in this years WSOP ME) directly on my right....sigh

Started off well, chipping up pretty effortlessly from 30k to 42k before getting coolered vs Italian fish on AK5 with AK vs his 5s when he cold calls my 4b pre....nice life and drop back to starting stack...

Back to work i go, including busting Vinson in a really odd spot, in which i think he has played his hand pretty awful (unless he knows i am likely to 3b bluff a lot)

The dynamics are important here, as i have been pretty active, and he has been utilising good spots when there.

I open Q4 hh on unopened button, blinds 200/400/50, from a ~50k stack, to 850...
He 3bts the SB to 2100, bb folds
I feel he is going to do this quite wide, and already planned to 4b if so, so i do to 4700......He starts the hand just over 20k and thinks.....and peels????? Hmmmm
Flop is Q35 hxx
He checks to me and i make it 3700....he peels
Turn is 2 h (Q352 hh) and he check calls it off when i set him in.....Guess his hand?? Yea, its J s J c...

This propels us to 72k and then it just went Pete Tong.

We basically do not win, ever, if aipf vs any villian

77 < A7o aipf
55 < AJ aipf (get AJ and AQ to fold, but somehow he rivers broadway - his only clean outs!!)
A4 < A3 bvb
AK hh < 99 aipf - flop comes QTxhh and we still lose
99 < 88 aipf
KQ < AQ vs serial squeeze jammer (timing)
AQ < AK btn vs blind
A7 dd < 99 to bust (we 3 jam the sb vs btn) we even flop 2 diamonds....

So as you can see, played well and amassed a large stack multiple times to be able to be dented so many times....just dont run so well aipf :)

Shame as win a few of the above and we coulda had 200-300k to end the day...still we played well so i am happy.

Thanks for the investment guys :)
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2014, 11:07:44 AM »


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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2014, 15:34:23 PM »
A few posts from GNF On the Q4hh hand

Tom posted:
Have been thinking about the Q4 hand a little more and I don"t think he"s ever 3-betting light with air as he isn"t closing the action, I think we need to put him on a pretty tight range given a) his stack size b) he isn"t closing the action and c) you have an active image so he knows you"re either calling or 4-betting, given the odds you are never ever folding there in position with any two. I don"t think a player of his class will be setting himself up to play a 3-bet pot out of position with a weak holding, given that I think his range is fairly nutted to 88+ and AJ+

Opening every unopened button is something I"ve started to move away from, I"d much rather open the cutoff or button with a hand that at least has some potential, eg suited connectors, suited one gappers, at least if you"re 3-bet you can happily call and with a hand that has some playability post flop.

My reply:
I"m never hand is too weak. Was the first unopened button all day, so I wasn"t too sure on how the blinds would react, but logic would state a 3b would be more likely than a peel OOP from either...

Once he 3b I feel his range is wider, than if he peels OOP as a player like BV isn"t going to be making -EV plays.

This is why I had decided that Raise/4b/fold was better than Raise/fold

Obv once he peels I am done with the hand unless I flop well. Which I did
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: WPT 500 @ DTD
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2014, 19:34:09 PM »

A few posts from GNF On the Q4hh hand

Tom posted:
Have been thinking about the Q4 hand a little more and I don"t think he"s ever 3-betting light with air as he isn"t closing the action, I think we need to put him on a pretty tight range given a) his stack size b) he isn"t closing the action and c) you have an active image so he knows you"re either calling or 4-betting, given the odds you are never ever folding there in position with any two. I don"t think a player of his class will be setting himself up to play a 3-bet pot out of position with a weak holding, given that I think his range is fairly nutted to 88+ and AJ+

Opening every unopened button is something I"ve started to move away from, I"d much rather open the cutoff or button with a hand that at least has some potential, eg suited connectors, suited one gappers, at least if you"re 3-bet you can happily call and with a hand that has some playability post flop.

My reply:
I"m never hand is too weak. Was the first unopened button all day, so I wasn"t too sure on how the blinds would react, but logic would state a 3b would be more likely than a peel OOP from either...

Once he 3b I feel his range is wider, than if he peels OOP as a player like BV isn"t going to be making -EV plays.

This is why I had decided that Raise/4b/fold was better than Raise/fold

Obv once he peels I am done with the hand unless I flop well. Which I did

Three letters for you good Sir. You know what they are.


His 3b is stacked toward value due to bet sizing (>10% of his stack in, OOP, with near zero expectation of you folding). He peels your 4b because he gets no value if he 5b and has you beat, and if you have it it goes in anyway (outside of an AKQ flop or similar etc).

Post flop seems pretty standard, he"s already made his decision pre. There shouldn"t be many Qx combos in your range so he might as well let you spew.

Honestly think raise/4b is the worst of all options available. Don"t mind the open if the BB is average/weak, but not setting out with the 4b in mind unless a specific Villain type (i.e. not very good).

Won some stuff too long ago for it to stay on a signature.