A slighty more detailed update on the days play.
All in all, a pretty **** table draw for the whole day, seeing me having to play OOP to the likes of Nick Hicks (ISPT Fame), Ben Vinson (Online sicko), Mitch Johnsen (DTD reg) and some solid online kid i dont know the name off....also had Aaron Lighthouse? (22 in this years WSOP ME) directly on my right....sigh
Started off well, chipping up pretty effortlessly from 30k to 42k before getting coolered vs Italian fish on AK5 with AK vs his

when he cold calls my 4b pre....nice life and drop back to starting stack...
Back to work i go, including busting Vinson in a really odd spot, in which i think he has played his hand pretty awful (unless he knows i am likely to 3b bluff a lot)
The dynamics are important here, as i have been pretty active, and he has been utilising good spots when there.
I open Q4 hh on unopened button, blinds 200/400/50, from a ~50k stack, to 850...
He 3bts the SB to 2100, bb folds
I feel he is going to do this quite wide, and already planned to 4b if so, so i do to 4700......He starts the hand just over 20k and thinks.....and peels?

? Hmmmm
Flop is Q35 hxx
He checks to me and i make it 3700....he peels
Turn is 2 h (Q352 hh) and he check calls it off when i set him in.....Guess his hand?? Yea, its J s J c...
This propels us to 72k and then it just went Pete Tong.
We basically do not win, ever, if aipf vs any villian
77 < A7o aipf
55 < AJ aipf (get AJ and AQ to fold, but somehow he rivers broadway - his only clean outs!!)
A4 < A3 bvb
AK hh < 99 aipf - flop comes QTxhh and we still lose
99 < 88 aipf
KQ < AQ vs serial squeeze jammer (timing)
AQ < AK btn vs blind
A7 dd < 99 to bust (we 3 jam the sb vs btn) we even flop 2 diamonds....
So as you can see, played well and amassed a large stack multiple times to be able to be dented so many times....just dont run so well aipf

Shame as win a few of the above and we coulda had 200-300k to end the day...still we played well so i am happy.
Thanks for the investment guys