Hi everyone! I am new to the site here and thought I would post and thought I would introduce myself here.
I am 24 and live in Lakewood, CO (Denver) and have been playing cards ever sinced I could remember. I play a lot of lowball mainly 2-7 Triple Draw and RAZZ online and played a few events at this years WSOP (#25 $2,000 NL hold em, 200/1600 no cash

and #29 $1,500 RAZZ 70/400 no cash

). I found the site after playing with mair in a RAZZ tourney on stars and she(?) told me about the site. (oh and mair, I took it down

) I post on a few internet forums and am always looking for good places for discussion on poker and hope to post here often and get to know everyone here.
I also post on cardplayer.com, denverpoker.com, adamtheexpert.com, a little on 2+2 and pocketfives and my home forum is +1 which is a private forum with some GREAT players.
Hope to get to meet you guys and hope to find good strategy, and basic good conversation and fun on here!