With regards to the Online League, what happens if you are the only player in your team?
For example, if Thanet only get 1 player, would that person be allowed to join another team before the start of the first game?
I would be surprised if this were the case Darren, but if it were to happen then we would have to look at allowing people to move to a more populated club before the season started.
what would be the deadline for such a decision.
We will be monitoring numbers over the next few weeks. A lot of work has gone into the choice of clubs, linking them with the physical cardrooms and ensuring we cover the more populated areas and therefore include as many APAT members in this as possible, whilst hopefully attracting many new members.
We"re not saying we have it spot on, but we are hopeful that there will be enough take up for every club and then numbers will increase during the season.
It is important for each club to spread the word as the added value prizes on offer are well worth the effort.
I"m just gutted I can"t play in them.