Brahim from TRJP takes down a pot.
MP raises to 250
UTG-1 calls 250
Brahim makes it 1350 and gets a call only from the initial raiser.
Flop Td4d7d and both players check.
Tc on the turn makes Brahim bet 1650 and the MP folds.
Re-entry for Stany Sommen. We get to see the flop with 5 players !!!.

SB and BB check. Dirk Vandommele (WVL) bets 1k and all of them make the call including Stany.

and once more Dirk makes the action. Stany is the only remaining opponent since all the rest of them fold.
River Tc and Dirk pushes his remaining 6.5k. Stany doesn"t really like to make the call but makes it anyway.
His two pair A6 isn"t strong enough versus a flopped set of sevens.
We"re helping Stany, who is immobilised with his re-entry and reseating on the other side of the pokerroom.