On behalf of all the members of the French Team I would like to say we are very happy and very proud to take part to this APAT Event.
We are looking forward to meeting the other teams and competing for the title.
Here"s a quick background for each player:
Franck Viollet - "vazysarko" - has played in a couple of APAT events before. He is a SNG and HU specialist, so say sharkscope

Cedric Billot is the Secretary of the French Poker Player Federation (ffjp).
Jeremy Henriet is also part of the French Federation and has played in different live events in France and abroad as well.
And finally I have played in Cardiff and Edinburgh last season as well as Vienna last spring plus online APAT events and was runner-up of the WCOAP Main Event 2007.
Good luck to everybody and see you soon in Brighton!!
Jean-Michel Ballocchi