Good Luck Alan!
How your gonna pick the team from the amount of decent players we have is beyond me, best of luck tho!
I"m pleased to announce that Alan Lake has accepted the post of Captain of the English team for the European Team Championship.
Similarly, long time APAT member Len Collin has been appointed Captain of the Irish team.
On the European front, Viktoria Szilasi has been appointed Captain of the Hungarian team while Jean-Michel Ballocchi has been appointed Captain of the French team and Stephan Kalhamer has been appointed Captain of the German team.
Further appointments will be announced in the near future.
Thankyou and you"re right it will not be an easy task. I will certainly be leaving all decisions until the conclusion of the season 3 online and live ranking events.
The following was added to APAT's original post on this thread, and is quoted here for the benefit of those who have not seen it...
In a change from the original announcement, Captains will be able to pick four players of their choosing but it is anticipated that they will choose (at least) their leading compatriot from the APAT National Rankings. APAT will provide Captains with performance based information where requested.
I happen to believe that this is absolutetly a fair and proper thing to do. And so, subject to that individual wanting to take part in the event, that is one of the four places taken care of. Note: At this moment in time I have not studied the rankings to see who is top, or who may be well placed to move into top spot... nor do I know the nationality of any of them!
As for the selection process for the remaining three places... well, I shall be using a mixture of scientific analysis and other tried and tested selection methods... I am currently scouring ebay for a set of Runes and a crystal ball.