Final Table Players:
S1 - David Van Wesemael
S2 - Danny Covyn
S3 - Vincent Leurquin
S4 - Neal Mountney
S5 - Lip FLipper
S6 - Geoff ...
S7 - Jordan Pierart
S8 - Jonathan Guenard
S9 - Yannick D"Heere
Avg at the FT is 72000 and we are playing blinds 1500-3000
A few uncontested pots are played. Lip Flipper wins one early and Danny takes a bigger pot down:
Danny"s win:
David raises to 7500
Danny, Lip and Geoff make the call

- they all check

- Check by Lip, Geoff and David and 10k to go by Danny. Lip Flipper is the only one who makes the call.

- Lip checks and Danny checks behind
Lip shows Td Tc

- pair of tens
Danny shows 8x 4x Kx Kx for the straight.