Good morning all... I have been away for sometime so I hope everyone has been doing well.
I have recently been playing in a 20NL live game that is played in pub. No rake, cheep drinks (cola), and despite only being 20/10p blinds there are a couple of crazy Terrafish that make ridiculous sized bets on every street. And I mean £15 into an 80p pot then calling a reraise on the river with 5 high, then buy back in and repeat.... yep.... Its one of those games that people dream about and I have found it. after 4 sessions buying in with £10 each time i have a profit of £741 which is just over £33p/h
There are probably three other players that I would consider decent players and the rest are your typical pub poker players.
I got into the following hand with two of those players and ended up in a tough spot that i would like to discuss.
Table is 8 handed
SB £13.50
BB £60 (Terrafish)
+1 £45
+2 £30
M £120 (Villain)
CO £25 (Terrafish)
HJ £25
BTN £77 (hero)
I am dealt

all players limp for 20p and including myself and then the small blind raises to £1 and everyone calls, again including myself trying to set mine.
Flop -

SB Jams all in for £12.50
folds to the Villain in M position who flat calls £12.50
I know the villain is a good player who does not tend to draw unless he has the right odds or implied odds. He has a very loose starting range, but in this game everyone does because of the dynamic created by the two terrafish. The SB is a TAG and i suspect he has a decent Ace and has jammed hoping one of the terrafish call with a weaker holding or a draw.
Folds round to me and I raise to £27.50 (far too small?)
The Villain think for about 10 seconds and then calls.
Turn is the

giving us the following board

Villain shoves his remaining stack, effectively me all in for £48.50
What should I do?