Author Topic: Fold or Call?  (Read 35713 times)

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Fold or Call?
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:31:04 PM »
Good morning all... I have been away for sometime so I hope everyone has been doing well.

I have recently been playing in a 20NL live game that is played in pub. No rake, cheep drinks (cola), and despite only being 20/10p blinds there are a couple of crazy Terrafish that make ridiculous sized bets on every street. And I mean £15 into an 80p pot then calling a reraise on the river with 5 high, then buy back in and repeat.... yep.... Its one of those games that people dream about and I have found it. after 4 sessions buying in with £10 each time i have a profit of £741 which is just over £33p/h

There are probably three other players that I would consider decent players and the rest are your typical pub poker players.

I got into the following hand with two of those players and ended up in a tough spot that i would like to discuss. 

Table is 8 handed

SB £13.50
BB £60 (Terrafish)
+1 £45
+2 £30
M £120 (Villain)
CO £25 (Terrafish)
HJ £25
BTN £77 (hero)

I am dealt  9h 9s

all players limp for 20p and including myself and then the small blind raises to £1 and everyone calls, again including myself trying to set mine.

Flop -  ad1  2h  9d

SB Jams all in for £12.50
folds to the Villain in M position who flat calls £12.50

I know the villain is a good player who does not tend to draw unless he has the right odds or implied odds. He has a very loose starting range, but in this game everyone does because of the dynamic created by the two terrafish. The SB is a TAG and i suspect he has a decent Ace and has jammed hoping one of the terrafish call with a weaker holding or a draw.

Folds round to me and I raise to £27.50 (far too small?)

The Villain think for about 10 seconds and then calls.

Turn is the  6d giving us the following board

ad1  2h  9d  6d

Villain shoves his remaining stack, effectively me all in for £48.50

What should I do?


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2015, 09:23:58 AM »
Hey drewski, this is a tough spot; but being the tight player I am, my inclination would be the hero laydown here. Whilst your trips look pretty, that villan is certainly posturing the diamond flush. . He thought about it on the flop from MP (very possible to be double suited from there) weighing up whether to take a shot at the diamond on the turn? Perhaps you"re small (ish) raise on the turn gave him decent odds to make the call? As I say, tough, but if it were me, I"d save the chips for the next hand.


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2015, 10:54:46 AM »
flop re-raise all in imo, take the exploitive approach unless u have a real good read on the type of mistakes Villain in M position has.
in this case if u know that the player doesn"t know your tendencies then hopefully u can blend in with what seems std/typical for these games and as a result play in a way that"s probably more +EV.


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2015, 12:38:52 PM »
If I were against one of the other really bad drawing players who play any two suited cards then I would be more inclined to fold. However my thoughts were as follows...

If he did have the naked flush draw then he would have folded to the BB shove. £12.50 into the £8 pot didn"t give him the right odds to call. Also the ace of diamonds is on the board taking a lot of suited holdings out of his range anyway. I think a simple two pair or top pair top kicker would likely isolate on the flip with three other players left in the hand. So that leaves me thinking he has top pair with a diamond kicker and he is turning his top pair into a semi bluff on the turn while he has some equity against hands like sets, or he could have an under set of 2"s.

I put all that together in my head and also consider that I have about 22% equity if he does somehow have the flush.

At this point the player walks away from the table while I am tanking. Does this mean anything?


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2015, 12:42:00 PM »

If I were against one of the other really bad drawing players who play any two suited cards then I would be more inclined to fold. However my thoughts were as follows...

If he did have the naked flush draw then he would have folded to the BB shove. £12.50 into the £8 pot didn"t give him the right odds to call. Also the ace of diamonds is on the board taking a lot of suited holdings out of his range anyway. I think a simple two pair or top pair top kicker would likely isolate on the flip with three other players left in the hand. So that leaves me thinking he has top pair with a diamond kicker and he is turning his top pair into a semi bluff on the turn while he has some equity against hands like sets, or he could have an under set of 2"s.

I put all that together in my head and also consider that I have about 22% equity if he does somehow have the flush.

At this point the player walks away from the table while I am tanking. Does this mean anything?

His hand is dead?

Not folding btw. Too many under sets and two pair hands in the range.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2015, 12:50:53 PM »
No hand is not dead, although that would have been nice. :)


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2015, 15:47:56 PM »
I did call and he has  5d 8d

The river is the  6s giving me the full house and he berates my call


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2015, 17:23:52 PM »
Nice river there Drewski. . So my inclination for the double suited diamonds was right, but I applaud your call! Meanwhile the villian curses a bad beat!


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2015, 22:47:04 PM »
Never folding there - ahead of loads, and have good draw equity against made hands.

Hate the raise on the turn though - great spot to jam and charge the max for those drawing.


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2018, 12:28:15 PM »
This is great that you decided to call
This year I will casino games online free here. This is the biggest event in my career


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Re: Fold or Call?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2018, 10:04:32 AM »
I probably would of called putting him on two pair or trips but wished the river was a 9
would of being quality to see his reaction.